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In The Name of Vengeance
May 24, 2012 - Sep 5, 2012
Picking up the pieces of Crystal?
May 24, 2021 - Jun 18, 2021
  1. #1
    Firebringer's Avatar



    Matthew tosses and turns in bed, his sleep plagued by doubts. Did we actually accomplish anything in the sewers? Certainly not what we set out to do. So we found some dead rats. They could have been from slain beshilu, but if so, it's still no guarantee that the beshilu didn't just re-form. It's unlikely that a vampire would know what they are, or care. And Bethem ... I was in combat against him, and survived. That's definitely something, but not enough. Is he still out there, still a threat to us?

    Was I wrong about the vampires that we pulled out of the sewers? They still haven't called. Maybe they didn't survive, either. Did anything we did down there matter?

    And what of the Anshega? Their strike was supposed to be imminent. I
    saw it! But that was months ago. Why was my interpretation so wrong?
    Finally, he succumbs to sleep.

  2. #2
    DrDog's Avatar

    Werewolf Lawyer


    You see the board, though no longer black and white, it is brown and red. Dirt and blood are the squares. White's king is nowhere to be seen, and only a few white pawns, led by a white knight, huddle together. Across on the other side of the board, black's king has ralllied many pieces, and brought another king, together with his queen, bishop and knight. Though they sit on their side, and huddle together. There are strange ripples in the blood, and you try to see what is causing them, and finally you spot the glimpse of a tail. On the bottom of the board, you see that there are many rats, with a queen and a knight directing them about, sucking up the blood.

    You awaken, and find that you have this odd taste of blood in your mouth.
    The Dog Draped in Resplendent Finery of Shrieking Spirits.