For once, Jayant felt riled. He hadn't been giving his training the full attention to detail required to be the protector of the Mother. The fact he had dropped his kukri during a relatively simple technique had hurt considerably.

So much so in fact the Mekhet had stared at his knife for several moments before picking it up.

Had it bitten me? He thinks crouching beside it and cradling it in one hand to check for any dents or scratches on its surface. Is it angered at not being used as much?

Then he heard it. They had returned, the would-be thieves. The temple was not in the best neighbourhood but he had sworn to guard it for the Crone, for his Hierophant, and he would. Swiftly moving to the rear door, Jayant gently unlocks it and is happy to spot a couple of men scouting the area for a way to gain entry.

As the shadows thickened around them, Jayant smiled at the thought of feeding on their sin. Anything to take his mind of the blade quietly cursing his name.