Mark walked into The Union and walked behind the bar. "How we doing ladies?" Mark asked Jayne and Mia. He pulled a notebook out from under the till and began reading through some of the notes made in there.

Once done with that he turns back to the ladies, "I'll be in my office." He says and heads up the back steps to his apartment. He moves over to the table and sees the envelope. "Shit" He picks it up and opens it...

Mark remembers that when he purchased the place and applied for a license, the initial inspection revealed some electrical work that needed to be done to bring the building to current California code. The envelope, marked with the symbol of the local electricians' union, includes a letter from the head of the union, one Marlon Quinn. Quinn regretfully informs Mark that the contractor who was scheduled to handle the job on the Union was also a member of the National Guard, and was recently called up for active duty in Afghanistan. Per Union rules, that contractor passed the job back to the Union to assign, but unfortunately the Union's members are currently so busy with other jobs that no member of the Union is going to be available for some time - "perhaps two months, but hopefully no more than that," Quinn writes - to do the necessary work.

"SonofaBitch" Mark says and throws the paper down on the table. He then walks over to the door and opens it. He yells down the steps. "Jayne Get up here" Mark then goes over and sits at the table and reads through the letter again several times. If he wasn't dead his face would probably be turning red. And that vein he inherited from his father would be popping out of his neck..

Jayne rushes upstairs and to Mark's office. She wasn't yet sure what went along with his different moods, but his tone of voice suggested things might not go well should she not please him.

"I-I'm here," she stammers, glancing at him, then looking downward submissively.

"Jayne handle this shit."
Markos walks over to his easel and his paints and begins painting furiously, "Ah don't care what ya gotta do but Ah want this place open in 2 weeks time."

Jayne reads over the letter a couple times. "I will, but...wh-what do you think I can do to change this?" she asks, cautiously.

"Call 'em up, sweet talk'em. See if there is anything we can do to get this done faster. If they give yah the shoulder get me some information I can use." Mark instructs as he continued painting...

She nods, then - realizing Mark is focused on his painting, not on her - says "I'll get right on that. I don't think I'll get anyone with the union this time of the night, but I'll leave a message, maybe they'll call tomorrow and I can talk to someone."

Mark looks up to her and puts down his paint brush. Insensitive ass, Mark thinks to himself. He walks over to his Ghoul and rests his hands on her shoulders. Giving her a little squeeze, "Jayne hon, that's why Ah need yah, during tha day remember. Ah can't do anything during tha day. So that's why ah have you. Tah be my partner and help me take care of tha dayside."

Jayne nods, apparently glad of the contact. "If nobody calls by 11 or so, I'll go talk to someone," she says. "I won't let you down."

"See what yah can do, if they refuse to help us get as much info as possible and Ah will take ah visit." Mark said with a smile.

She nods again. "I'll call that other inspector guy back, too," she says, tilting her head to rub it against the hand on one of her shoulders. The gesture reminds Mark of that a cat might make.

Mark can't resist the open access to her neck and leans in and gives it a kiss. Once kissed, he gives it a nibble. One nibbled he gives her The Kiss. Sinking his fangs into her soft skin and drawing the blood out. Wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her in a tight hug.

Jayne gasps and whimpers at Mark's bite, then he feels her go limp, her heart pounding, even as her fingers clutch at his arms.

Mark releases his bite and closes the wound. As he does he picks her up in his arms and carries her to his bed. He lays her down the bed to let her rest. "Thanks Jayne," He whispers. "Have ah rest and get up when your ready. Ahm goin out for a bit."

Jayne murmurs something, going completely limp as Mark lays her down in bed. Her eyes are still closed, a blissful expression on her face.

<<Fade Out>>