Cassandra watched from her dark patch of shadow in the alley, the unconscious figure of a bum not two feet away. No one would notice of course, they were starting to be a common sight across Sacramento as far as the Ventrue could tell from her stay here. Easy pickings for vitae, no matter how low they were in the food chain.

But that wasn't what held her attention through the motions of those that passed by. It was a man. A simple one really. He had something that would help with her plans for this city. All of it was necessary for Her to hold this place in her grasp.

You take too long to plan." A voice said behind her, croaking with flehm. "She will not be pleased if you don't hurry."

She turned her head and watched the slumped figure stand up, head hung like it was nothing more that a badly controlled marionette. Another delusion? Or a message from the Goddess? Her mind did nothing but play ticks on her over and over. Her act didn't help matters at all.

"These things take time. Step by step to weave and plan. One failure could spell doom for as all here.". She said, her fingers digging deep into her skin where skin started to peel and flake.

"You best be right...This should have been done long ago. You better hope it goes to plan...." There was a sudden bang behind her and Cassandra spun around in surprise, but only saw a car spew forth a cloud of smog from the exhaust. Nothing more than a backfire.

She turned back to argue and re-assure, but the bum was back in his spot, drool dripping from his mouth. Sickening... She still didn't know if this was another trick still. So much of this could all be in her head, or some one Else's and she was nothing more than the deranged figment of someone else's mind. She shook her head and shoved her hands into her pockets. No point in contemplating that thought.

She watched for a few more minutes before she gave up. Her mind distracted her too much for her to follow him. "mask goes on once more and I play with madness..." She mutter with just the hint of spite as she stepped out of the alley with a smile in her face and humming some disjointed tune she heard long ago as always.

One night, such facades won't be necessary and soon she wouldn't need to confuse them for what she truly was. But her mind will no doubt fall apart completely on her rise and if she wasn't careful: All I will ever be is the Fool of court and it would no longer be a masquerade to play.