Saber Sloth

A problem with clearing back the Thorns among the Rust is you had to get close to use a machete or axe. Given Thorns are sharp and the safety suits are thin, that made for a dangerous situation. Armor was one option, but expensive or laborious to make. So, the blue Larcenist came up with a simpler solution. If the machete's is too short, make it longer.

Circe did a little online research about brush clearing, kind of like Thorns. Sort of if much less dangerous. Anyway, she discovered something called a brush axe. Which doesn't look like an axe or a brush. More like a machete on a stick, with a hooked end. Description and instructional video revealed the utility of this design. Circe was sold on it.

Using one of the large mower blade as a base, she first will hammer the hook end. After banging that out comes the handle. Remove original, insert into pipe, solder and bond it, probably tape it up too. Grip points? More tape.

A cheap method? Yes, but it would be secure and have a grip without being expensive. Cheap meant disposable.

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Bending the tip was easy, heat and hammer plus water bucket. Done. No, what gave Circe trouble was the original handle she'd made for the big blade. It took her a more work than expected to remove it, not being designed with the intent to remove. The haft installation however was easy after that.

The result is a 2-handed machete with a long haft to it. Someone could use it one-handed without penalty if they are strength 3, but otherwise it functions just like a machete in all ways but one. The user has a little reach with it, about 2 feet. Maybe a staff master like Sonja Wu could use that to her advantage, but for everybody else? It is a way to hack up Thorns without being too close.

So, not having to get close to the Thorns to risk getting a suit puncture. That was the plan, even if there was only one. Not like they could double up safely anyway.