This is all declared in the roll action I'm just laying it out to make it easier to read.

Size:3 (+1 target)
Durability: 2 (Stone) (+5 target)
Quality: Masterpiece (-5 dice pool)

Target number: 6 Successes
Dice pool: 5 per roll (Int +3, craft +3, spec +1, workshop +3)

Time per roll: 22 min 30 seconds (Chambers has good time management as a merit cutting the usual time of 30 min per roll to create art by 1/4)


Despite advances in medicine, technology and all the rest It didn't change that death spiked in the Winter months. The old, the infirm and the homeless particularly vulnerable.

Still for this Necromancer that was opportunity both to collect names and to practice his craft. (Which happened to help pay his bills). Which if that was all he was after he wouldn't need to put so much effort into this.

Chambers stands in his Workshop a hunk of stone clamp and clamped to the table. Rulers, chalk, Hand drill, hammers and chisels at the ready. A custom order, as they all were, wanting certain shapes, sizes and fonts of text only added to the difficulty. But also to the sense of pride when he pulled it off.

The weak points are chalked up and exploited by the hand drill.

The largest hammer and chisel come out to take away the bulk of the excess rock. The rough shape takes form.

Smaller now removing leftover extra materiel. Refining and honing the shape.

The custom details now, chipping, shaping almost the smallest tools.

Finally the engraving this required just taking a few layers off the surface.

Refinement. Three different grains of sand paper. Smooth continuous motions. Feeling the texture. Not to fast don't want to create a sealed layer, but not to slow to leave leave more stubborn sections untreated.

Now sponge on the mixture to weather proof. Seal the stone enough that it won't degrade but not to much that it looks shiny that's why the sanding is so important the stone still needs to be able to let this permeate through. Wipe of the excesses with a ruler a straight blunt edge that won't damage the stone.

Chambers leans back, and Takes a breath. He had nothing more to add, it came out beautifully. And I didn't even use magic ... just think. He leaves the stone to sit. It needs to finish absorbing the weather proofing sealant. He climbs out the roof onto his balcony and takes and lights up his pipe. Still in time for lunch.

12 suxx aka E-suxx achieved

time elapsed: 2 hours 15 minutes