The Kindred involved in the Blood Hunt of the sisters were reviewed. No information from Priscus Baker or Reeve Kingsey after the summons meeting that Jennifer had called. Jennifer made a brief summary of the summons meeting and stored it in her locked file drawer for her personal diary.

Jennifer took a few minutes to read the notes that she had taken during the interrogation. That had gone a bit differently than she expected. Jennifer made a notecard of every name that had been mentioned in the interrogation and on the name card, specific details of that person. These items were placed into a manila envelope and sealed, safely stored in her locked file drawer in the Haven that she shared with her coterie mate. Normally she would write a formal report, yet Alessandra had been present for the event and she was the Seneschal herself.
Kindred should be sending her reports.

Jennifer picked up her organizer that listed her meetings and short notes of her upcoming plans. She looked back at the last time that she had met with the Reeve and the last time that she had recieved a report. Jennifer made a note for the upcoming week to follow up on that.
The other matters on her mind were her obligation to the First Estate, checking in with Verity Carmen and remaining alert for if anyone actually did send her information to keep her in the loop.

The rest of the evening was spent in detailing the conversation she and Priscus Jack had in the past regarding the new Oath for the First Estate. That would be her priority in the nights to come.