Well, Circe had suggested it. And drawn it up. Now she had to figure out two other things. How does she build it and the cost?

Burning the midnight oil as it were. This involved drawing and Internet browsing. Hopefully this was grey instead of black market stuff, cheaper that way.

Oh, Circe already knew the direct part of it, the armor. That was simply taking a vest like she wore under her professional attire and working it into one of the skin suits she made. Which meant the cost for the primary component of the Summer Ninja Armor was going to be the cost of both of those, plus the binding agents. Internet helped with how to stich silk lining into a, uh, limp suit? No, G not L.

Best to not look at too many images for that search.

That was the easy part. The hands and feet were pretty easy too. All black running shoes, a pair of extra big thick socks, and some all black climbing gloves. Or the emo home tailoring kit to paint it black.

And now that song was stuck in her had, darn it!

Good song, but a bad distraction from the hardest part. The mask.

The mask would be also the silicon rubber, but would need something extra for it. A filtration mask built in to keep the breath quiet, and benefits from gases too? No, an actual gas mask was needed to make it work against tear gas. Anti-fog goggles too for that matter. Okay, sure, possible. So a half-face gas mask affixed to the silicon rubber ski-mask and same for goggles? That was pretty much a gas mask that was more durable.

Wait? Circe smacks her forehead.

Better idea, reinforce a mask and swap the goggles if they aren't already anti fog. They probably were, so it was really adding an extra durable layer. Or any layer to the back, armored hoodie?

Now the hardest part. Circe had called it tech ninja armor. Wouldn't that mean to include stuff like night vision and communication? Could she do that with a bunch of smart phones? Circe began trying to figure out how to kitbash smartphones with night vision, HD cameras, and a Occulus into a high-tech facial interface but stopped. After a couple of hours the Summer Queen stops on this avenue as inspiration hits her.

Blue fingers grasp that paper, crumple it out, and toss it away.

That she'd no experience with engineering tactical electronics, so why bother when she could research online for alternatives? Not even grey market for it turns out, totes legal. Headset radios into head gear were popular in the fields of SCUBA diving and rock climbing. Night vision goggles? You could get that with some toys, albeit not fitting with the gasmask at all. Slide up and down like the ones in Ghostbusters then. These extra electronics that'd fit onto the headgear would add more than half to the materials cost, almost double.

Doing the math up, Circe did not have the funds to make more than one of these suits with all the bells and circuits. Even then, she'd have to spread it out over a few months to not be stuck eating Ramen Noodles only.

Throw out the electronics and gas mask for a painter's mask with HEPA and the anti-fog diver goggles? That Circe had the funds for making two, no wait, still one unless her Summers spotted her a couple grand.

Oh, hello sunrise is it? Circe was certain she looked terrible right now. And probably not thinking clearly either. Which was where she got the idea to solve the problem. A Pledge to give those involved more monies.

She wasn't good at those, but the Autumn King was. She could call him right now.

It'd be odd to ask about this, but two facts made her go forward with this plan. First, with those funds from a pledge he crafted, she'd be able to bribe him with another techno ninja suit for him or Sera. Or a favor from the Summer Court.

Second fact? She just pulled an all nighter, restraint has gone bye bye.