Hedgespinning moonlight into chainmail skirts hadn't been difficult. It gave Circe an idea for what gifts she could make to award to others at the Summer Coronation. Thin, light, and no better than the mail worn by some mortal youths attending raves save for one key difference. The inside was mysteriously smoother, presenting less chaffing against bare flesh.

Not a major advantage, but a notable one for someone seeking to make a fashion statement. Plus it was at least as durable as leather and was a metal, so there was that.

They'd not be the best, nor the most useful. But they'd be pretty and serve some function. So, yes, they'd be good gifts, no, prizes for the Summer Coronation. She'd a work day of it.

Third prize

Second Prize

First Prize

Circe was tired, it'd been, something. Checking her watch, it was six hours. Her muscles were angrier than Circe was around Anne. The process wasn't too physically taxing, the forge more symbolic in making the product than actually making it. She sure wasn't going to try making the rings like the Ironside version she'd made.

Summer had three beautiful and useful prizes to give out. One slightly greater than the others. Then she thought, why not something a little excessive for the one giving the prizes? Courts had to show off in their own ways, right?

But that was something to keep under wraps as much as she could.

Or rock out in her riot gear. That'd be funny. She'd have to ask James or Rhodes for opinions on that.