Al was worried, very worried... It was not the war they had going on, that was still winnable, as they had the Carthians and the Ordo on their side and the others were just the two estates and some Unbound... The problem were the guests, that had arrived and presented themselves to the Bishop. He took a look at the picture again, put it in his pocket and looked at one of the ghouls standing around.

"Mr. Tressilian and his childe in my room. As soon as possible."

After that he went to his room (which was not as good as his former haven had been, but things had escalated and thusly he had been given a room in the underground temple) and began packing his clothes, books and belongings into the chests and bags used for travel. After a while the door opened, the attendant led those he had been ordered to get in and left. As soon as the door had been shut again, Sam spoke.

"Well, boss, what's wrong ? I suppose you ant called us here for nowt, eh?"

After they had followed the gesture to have a seat, Al finished packing the book chest and turned around, looking at them. Sam was as he had always been: short and squat with round glasses, a rim of short black and grey hair at the sides and rear of his head and a toothbrush moustache he stubbornly clung to. He sat in Als wing chair clad in khaki drill and being in his usual good mood, grinning as if everything was alright. On the chair to the left sat his Childe Ruby, a bit shorter, less squat with long plaited black hair and an olive skin tone, but dressed in the same uniform as her Sire. She didn't say anything, but sat there, tacid and waiting for the explanation. Al waited for a moment before beginning to explain, while keeping the photograph as the most convincing argument.

"There int any reason to grin, Sam. I consulted the seer yesterday and the omina hint we want to get out of here as soon as we can. I have a bad feeling."

Sam's grin shrunk and Ruby looked sceptical while listening, though most surprising it was Ruby speaking up, as she didn't understand yet.

"Just because of omina and a bad feeling you want us to desert our home and duty ? I'm sure Sam supports me when I say..."

A gesture cut her off and Sam cut in with a worried look but believing him, unlike Ruby, as he knew him better.

"A bad feeling you say? How bad? Spion Kop? Colenso ? Suvla Bay?"

Al shook his head with a grimace that was supposed to say 'worse than that' and replied with a word that made the hint of a grin on Sam's face vanish alltogether.


While Ruby still looked skeptical, not having been there and thus not knowing the context, Sam let out a whistle.

"Ay caramba ! That bad? I know we're under siege and there will be problems wi t' supply soon, but what gives you t' impression them outside are that big of a problem?"

Al took the photograph out of his pocket and threw it on the table. Sam picked it up, looked at it and lost most of the rest of his cool, while Ruby just took a glimpse and remained stoic.

"So what? Three women and some entourage are making both of you uneasy? Who are they? Evil spirits of some sort? Sisters of the Devil?"

To her surprise both men nodded in unison while Sam explained with a seriousness she didn't know on him, devoid of the bluster and bolsterousness he usually showed.

"You may say that. Let us tell you a tale. There once was a man, who thought, because he was rich he could do whatever he wanted. Then one day a long time ago people put him first in hospital and then had him wearing the broad arrow for 20 years, which ruined his life and he swore revenge."

Al nodded and continued.

"The man was Bill Hamleigh and t'were me, Sam and some others who are long dead, what ruined his life. His children have also sworn to have us pay. That is most of the things you need to know to understand..."

Ruby seemed to think for quite a moment while an uneasy quiet reigned the room. As she took a closer look at the picture she noticed the three women looking quite similar and an observer could almost hear the penny drop.

"So you mean to say those three are..."

Both nodded and Al completed the sentence for her, while standing up.

"His daughters, yes: Brangaine, Dindrane and Igraine Hamleigh... They have left their brother somewhere, but we need to go afore they manage to get a clue about the situation."

Still trying to grasp the situation Ruby frowned and inquired a last detail, still unconvinced that three more enemies would be such a threat, that they warranted fleeing.

"So they have sword you both revenge. Why does that make them that much more dangerous than those already outside and out for our blood ?"

After a short exasperated look between Al and Sam there was a moment of quiet, then Al explained the matter to her.

"The Prince and those what follow him want a capitulation, nothing more. The Bishop wants all of us either dead or converted. In both cases there won't be much suffering. The three harpies however have sworn revenge to the gates of Hell and back, if needs be. Should they get us, you'll see how much prolonged agony a Final Death can be. And that only after they have used you to torture us every way they can imagine. Which they undoubtedly have spent a lot of time on."

Ruby sat in silence and her expression changed from neutral to sheer fright. Comprehending just now how dangerous the situation had become she jumped up and ran for the door, where she was stopped by her Sire, who also had risen.

"I believe that necessitates Plan B, Al. Give us half an hour, we'll commandeer some of the ghouls to help packing and I'll write a letter to the Baroness, explaining everything. See you down by the vehicles."

While he said this his usual boisterous grin returned and with a salute he exited the chamber.