More than a rule. More than a promise.

It was never spoken, never bound, and in a way that made it mean more to Rhodes than anything in the world. It was as dear as any Oath, held only by the love they shared for one another. In a small, petty way, he hated that idea - he was far too much of a cynic to openly express anything like the power of love. He had seen real magic.

What he knew was what he felt. She was his world. Even as the caring for others was starting to crumble.

That like it or not, Sera was more and more becoming his tether to humanity. He could feel those emotions, rising and rolling like the stormy tides. The darker voice, sounding less and less like a memory of Ophelia, his Keeper, and more and more like himself. A voice of lacking in understanding and empathy, saying the words with no thought for what they might mean to others.

He had tried to guard himself, so carefully... and then he fell for her. The first since Ophelia. Stranger still, she seemed to reciprocate, even agreed to be his wife.

She wouldn't act this long. She wouldn't do that to me. I would have seen it.

It felt like a desperate plea sometimes. Alone with his thoughts too much meant Fear was always near.

So he had made a promise. More to himself than to be spoken aloud.

A time, just for them. Attention not on the outside world, or work, or rebel Queens.

Her loose, flowing dress dropped to the floor as they kissed passionately. His fears being washed away by her want, her need of him. It was something in her urgency, her touch, that belied any falsehood or deception. His fingers ran through her hair, so liberally streaked with green since her last transformation, and lightly graced the scales of her ears sensuously.

Dextrous fingers undid buttons and stretched over his slender chest. His own could feel lace and beneath that, her beautiful shimmering scales. Long legs wrapping around him, sexual curves against his body.

Being pushed to the bed.

The feeling of muscle. Shapes moving in the moonlight. The feeling of oneness.

The moment of release.

They lay in a quiet embrace, their whispers of "I love you" responded in kind.

In that bed, that room, with her, Fear had no hold.

With her, he felt truly safe.