Helen sits at what passes as a desk in her sparsely lit room. People say that no news are good news, still with the more recent turns of events, no news might as well mean pretty shitty news, if any at all. So she'd looked up the number she normally only used like twice a year and hopes that it is still working and up to date. There, somebody picks up and a familiar voice rasps out of the speaker.

'Who the hell is this ?'

Yup, number's still accurate. Thats at least something ! Hearing the voice alone is a good sign.

"It's me, old gerbil ! How's the foot ?"

A groan answers and a few things she isn't really able to fully make out, but she recognizes expletives when she hears them. Good to see some things won't change too fast.

'You got any idea how fucking early it is ?'
"Well yeah, Im up and awake, why should you be better off than me ?"
'Whatever.' She hears him move around. 'Christmas is over and I'm pretty sure I still have more than half a year before the next scheduled call. Whaddaya want ?'

Damn good question. What does she want ? Seems like everything is in order and there wasn't much of a plan to it anyway...

"Gut call, thats about it." She admits after some time. "With everything as it is, I just wanted to see if you guys are still okay."
Silence. It stretches on, just long enough to start to become uncomfortable.
'I see.'
"Yah." Fuck, this is way more awkward than she has anticipated. "So... How is everyone, any news since Christmas ?"
'Not really. University about to start again, so the girls are gone and Rosa's gone over to the in-laws for... dunno yet, until the dust settles, I guess. The others... haven't heard much, but then, as long as people don't go for full insurrection and start kicking up some pogrom or stuff like that, they should be good. Might change if things get heated and people get emotional and short-sighted, though. If you know what I mean.'

Boy, does she ever. It's exactly what she didn't want to have to hear...

"Yeah." That about sums it up. Not too much she can say about it. Not after what went down back in the day. The whole euphoria after the begining of their conversation has already been sucked out at this point. "You think they'll come for the place, too ?" Another sullen silence. 'No idea.' the voice admitted. 'I hope not, but if they do, it's going to get ugly.' "For us or for them ?" 'Think there'll be any difference by then ?'
Helen shakes her head. "No." 'Exactly. Ain't it fun between all the chairs ? Always a crowd favorite.'

At this point, the first instinct is to steer towards an opportunity to terminate the call, but she can't bring herself to do it just like that. But then, most of the important stuff has been said and the things they haven't said ? They know the other well enough to take care of that. And yet...

'I'll keep an eye on the folks, as usual. Want me to tell Greg you said Hi ?' That one comes out of left field, but it opens a door towards the exit and a part of her is happy to take it. "Yeah, please do." Another of these pauses while she thinks about what she could say. or what she thinks she should. She hesitates a little, if only because she feels like she should to keep her voice calm. And because there's some strange finality and foreboding looming ahead.

"Good luck, Afanasy ! Watch your ugly ass and take care."
'Bad pennies always turn back up, boss. Don't worry about us.' The voice has barely changed, but there's a serious edge to it that hasn't been there before.
"I mean it."
'So do I.'

How do you even reply to shit like that ? Is it even possible to make things more awkward ? Hell yes it is ! Thank God, he breaks the silence.

'So, next time you call, I hope it's either my birthday or Baby Jesus'. I mean, stay on the damn schedule, okay ?'

She doesn't really want to chuckle at that, but she does.

'And make sure you don't get fucked up more than usually, will you ?'
"I will. See you."
'See you.'

And like that, it's over.

Helen's not sure how she's supposed to feel. This awkward fuck-up of an attempt to have some meaningful conversation was a mistake, so much is clear. it failed to allay her worries and sort of made her more anxious about everything. Yet, in a way, it is calming to know the old hamster is still holding the fort and she feels she owed him at least one attempt. She puts the phone down and gets up. She needs air. Time to think. As she walks over to the door and puts on her shoes, still equally a little angry and confused, her eyes brush over the photo on the table, shortly looking at her younger self and the other uniformed figures, frozen in time, unaware of how many turns for the worst things were able to take without fucking up everything for everyone.

Less bad shit back then ?
No. Different shit, is all.

She pulls on the jacket and switches off the light until the small electric light hanging from the ceiling is all that illuminates the room and coats everything in a dull red glow.

The folks are looked after.

Ain't that all that counts ? It's moments like this she's glad she has him. The guy who stayed behind to look after stuff. The one guy whom she trusts enough for that. The only guy from the breathing days that still gives a fuck about her.

The only human she's been through enough shit with that she's willing to call her friend.

She pulls the door open and leaves.
The past selves remain, still caught in that one moment years back.

Better times ?
Different times.