It was in the mid 40's this evening. Cloudy. The promise of rain in the air. Like the earth itself was hungry for the scant drops of precipitation it received in this area of the country. Quinn parked several blocks away in a parking garage, and pulled her cloak over her before hitting the now, sadly, familiar streets leading over to the Antique Shop. The hive as it were, and they were there, like always, busy little bees.

Cloak of Night Roll 1 success

There were still people out on the street at the early evening hours. Winter was such a blessing for the Kindred. Longer night hours and shorter days. Quinn avoided them on the street with a slightly anticipatory smile. She wasn't here to hunt per se but it was always an interesting feeling knowing no one could see you unless they had the means to see her. That was interesting information if any of them could. After all, they did knock one of her cousin's coterie back a few feet without touching her.

Quinn took extra precautions to find cover and normal concealment, leveling up her hearing and settling in like a statue to watch the goings on. When she felt she knew who was on the clock tonight so to speak....she would take a lap around the building, still straining to hear beyond the walls. Curious if she could hear anything from the mysterious back room that she couldn't get into before.

Perception Check Failure!