"Chris! What a wonderful surprise!" Of course, the old man that invited Crystal to his cabin in the woods near Mt. Diablo was lying. For one, he was pretty sure that Enigma - his mentor - kept tabs on him regularly. Also, the Warlock had asked for this meeting.

Thanks to Kaze Crystal had gotten over his deep aversion to Magic, but there was still a long way to go and he might as well foster the relationship between him and his mentor. He wasn't sure why Enigma was putting up with him, standing by his side through all the shit he's been through and beyond - maybe he just wanted to pass on his knowledge or got a kick out of teaching young Mages. Maybe there were bigger schemes and machinations running in the background, waiting for Crystal to be ready.
Maybe that was a conversation they'll be having some day, but even with the cheerful and open demeanor of Enigma he was still a Mage, and an experienced one at that. If he had secrets then Crystal wouldn't get them out of him easily.

"Heya. Thanks for making time to see me." Most of Sacramento's Awakened would take a double take at the Mastigos' outfit for the weekend: a simple white t-shirt (not even of some designer brand) and a pair of plain sweatpants. There was nobody to impress, no use in going all out when they were probably just sitting in a darkened room for hours on end.

"Of course, come one in."


"Again." Gone was the cheerful old man that had welcomed the young Warlock hours ago. He had made way to the unrelenting teacher, the tough-love Mentor that didn't care for excuses or complaints.

That was the first day Crystal didn't quit after it got uncomfortable though. Whatever Enigma demanded, Crystal grit his teeth and followed the instruction. Even though he was hurting all over from keeping the Abyss from worming its way into this world, even though his head was ringing from the repeated establishing and dispelling of a telepathic link - quitting was not an option.

So the Mastigos closed his eyes, focused on the imago of establishing a mental connection with the Obrimos in front of him and reached out across the Abyss.


It was only shortly before they parted ways and left to their respective cities again that they talked some more. "Coucilor, eh? Well, I think the responsibility will do you good. And, for what it's worth, I think you'll make a fine addition to any ruling body."

And that was that. Crystal arrived back at his apartment in Sacramento beaten and exhausted, but all the richer in pseudo-fatherly advice, Supernal guts and a rote or two.
No matter what the geezer got out of the deal, Crystal was ready to start profiting more from his end of the mentorship.