The shadows of the tunnels beneath Funderland have a break in their gloom, and noise too. Plenty of that echoes through the intersection where Cassandra had guidied her party Eastwards. The noise is and light is coming not from the unexplored Northern tunnel the Lost didn't enter, but from the South they arrived through. Some noise is mechanical. The rest? Cussing in mixed English and Italian.

This task is a little more complicated then the elfin Lost had expected. Oh sure, the lighting set up that Seraphina had supplied made it easier to say the least. As did the tools and supplies still left over. The wheel barrels especially so for moving stuff around the tunnels.

Circe had both the strength to handle this effort. That wasn't the issue. Nor were the supplies, she'd done the measurements correctly. Nor was it a matter of removing the leftover rotten wood. That was kind of fun with the crowbar and sledgehammer. A little Glamour actually restored the deadbolt holes too.

No, the problem was precision and volume. Getting the new door in place was actually kind of annoying. She probably should have put in the deadbolt lock AFTER getting the door in the frame, but no she had to rush it.

45 minutes later

She really should have asked for help with this. It'd make holding it in place easier but a few cinderblocks solved that problem. At least the door nob and the dead bolt lock were both lined up with the old holes in the stone. That'd work wonders for it, even if she intended to reinforce it later.

Then it was the matter of securing it into the restored frame. Making sure the hinges were in the right place, maybe use some solid adhesive to add a chain or external deadbolt? Eh, why not. They were cheap things and she had, well she had one of the chain things incase the lock didn't line up.

An hour later

After a 2 hours of fussing with what she had, the Groundskeeper cursing in Italian the entire time, she'd done enough.

This wasn't a stellar security system. But it was cheap, low-tech, and could be checked for breaches. Further, with 'lings like Ram it could be removed easily if need be. It was little against fae threats, but a new locked door could deter some idiot mortals in the tunnels.

That was step 1 of 3 done. Step 2 was give Rhodes a copy of the key, see if he wanted each sovereign to have one or just Director and Groundskeeper.

Step 3 after that was bath. Very important, that last step is.