December 20th, 2013

Snow fell silently, stark white streaks in the night sky as Connor watched from the window of his chambers at the LaChance manor. A guest was due to arrive tonight; a member of the First Estate from somewhere in California, a Cousin. It was Connor's job to handle the introductions, so he had studied the titles from the letter his Sire had received thoroughly; memorizing every letter, every bit of punctuation. He was ready to do his duty, now all he could do was wait.

A sedan started down the long drive to the manor, and Connor knew it was time. He left his window and purposefully made his way down the stairs to the foyer, gently dragging his fingers along the wooden railing that lined each side of the stairway. The staff would open the door, of course, but the Haunt would be waiting just inside. However, Connor was in for a surprise.

There was a knock at the door, which the butler, Javier, answered quickly. The stronger beast could be felt almost immediately, and Connor almost fell down the last few stairs from the sheer force of it. Accompanying the beast was its host; a tall man, with sharp features, softened by full lips, and piercing eyes. He wore a black suit that showed his thin frame well. If Connor didn't know any better, he would have assumed this Kindred was Daeva; until the aura hit. As Connor approached the beast spoke out, protesting the intrusion of this stronger predator, and a deep sense of dread cascaded over him. Connor nearly cast the visitor from his home for breaking a law of the Domain before he realized that this was not the same feeling as their familial gift. He resisted the urge to look over his own shoulder, being intimately familiar with the workings of this particular curse; it was nearly identical to his own.

At the bottom of the steps Connor saw one more person, whom he would have assumed was a ghoul; if not for the bestial presence she gave off. She was a small, frail looking thing. Darker skin, with brown eyes and curled brown hair. She couldn't help but show that she was young. Eyes darting back and forth, refusing to land on her host for more than a fleeting moment before finding something else to occupy her frightened mind. She was beauty personified, and under the care of an honored guest.

"Mister Connor O'Brien, Childe of the Honorable Alder Viscount LaChance, Senator of the First Estate and Priscus of Nosferatu in New York; at your service. You must be Alder Janos, Au Pair and Soldier of the First Estate?"

“Yes, Thank you, Mister O’Brien.” Janos replied, his voice harboring an accent of some kind. Eastern European, perhaps? “This is my charge. You don’t need her name. All you must know is that she is an unreleased childe, and she is under my protection.” A look was directed in Connor’s direction, almost as if Janos had seen through the other Haunt's thinly veiled gaze at the young woman.

There was a beat as Connor pondered the tone that was being taken against him in his own manor. However, they were honored guests and tradition dictated hospitality. With a bow and a sweep of the arm, Connor led them into the dining hall; where the Priscus waited patiently.