Regina arrives at Twist's theatre, leaving her rapiers in the car with Nami.

Mariel got out of her black sportscar, meeting the Lady Warrior. Do you know what this is all about? she asked.

"Sister Mariel, its good to see you again." She greets her smilingly. "Regretably, I do not know the meaning of this meating, although I am sure that Viscountess Twist means well by it."

It's good to see you, too, Lady Pia Regina. Ummmm...Mariel is a little embarrassed to ask this, so late into the acquaintance. By what title do you prefer me to address you?

Ahh, how Sister Mariel tried so hard. The question brought a smile to her lips. "My full name is Regina Pia. You may refer to me as Knight Regina, or Lady Regina. Whichever works best for you. You do not mind me calling you Sister Mariel do you?" She begins heading up the steps into the lobby.

The lights from the lobby shone out of the doors, spilling pools of yellow on the steps that the two women traversed. They could see motion through the glass, surprising as it was past the close time of the show but there none the less.'

Unless it's on Covenant business, just Mariel is fine, said the redheaded vampire. She looked up at the sign of movement.

"I appreciate such sentiments Sister Mariel, however," Regina leans in and whispers, "Among the First Estate, to refer to someone merely by their first name implies a level of...intimacy...that we do not share." Without pause, she enters the lobby.

The sound of multiple carpet cleaners engulfed the two women as they walked into the lobby. Looking around they could see multiple people working the machines at various points in the lobby as well as others scrubbing at walls and railings and dusting pictures and posters.

They were only left standing for a moment though before the familiar figure of Kalos could be seen making his way toward the two. When he reached them with a warm smile he dipped his head briefly, "Welcome. Twist is in her office waiting for you, if you will follow me?"

Mariel nearly choked with surprise at Regina's whispered comment. I had no idea! she exclaimed softly, her eyes wide. So many new manners to learn.

She followed a servant, wondering if, since he hadn't used a title for Twist, they were sleeping together. Hmmm. Probably not. Maybe that little rule only applies to Kindred. She would have to ask Regina later.

Regina, having sadly not yet met Kalos, gives a simple greeting to her ghoul. "We will, thank you for your welcoming us." She follows him.

Kalos simply smiles at Regina's thanks and leads them to Twist's office. After briefly knocking he opens the door for the two women and then quietly withdraws. Twist is sitting behind her desk, reading over some paperwork, her computer humming softly in the background. When she glances up to see the two a smile crosses her face, mostly hidden by a soft gray velvet mask studded with black glass chips, and she lets the paperwork settle to her desk, stands and moves around her desk to greet them.

"Lady Regina, Sister Mariel- thank you both for coming."

"Viscountess Twist, it is so generous of you to invite us into your home. Thank you." The italian accent seems barely contained, as if it had a life of its own, and demands that italian be spoken.

Priscus Twist, it's good to see you again! said Mariel with her usual bubbling enthusiasm. She smiled, showing very white teeth. I haven't seen much of you since the Daeva party at Asylum.

Twist laughed lightly, "It is my pleasure-" Twist paused and seemed to think of something for a moment before continuing. "Please, Lady Regina- while I am most aware of our covenant's stigma on names, we are in mixed company and I have called you both on clan business versus covenant, feel free- both of you to call me Twist."

It was something she was still struggling with, the Invictus usage of titles. She understood it well- she had followed her own way of addressing others for years...but now she had to follow the Invictus way and it just threw everything out of the loop. It was so hard to speak plainly to someone when harsh title kept getting in the way.

She made a mou of displeasure at Mariel's words, "It's true and I ask forgiveness for such lack of attention to our clan over the past months. Please, make yourself comfortable," she added as she pulled her desk chair around so that she would be sitting with them instead of across from them.

Mariel settled in, wondering what Twist wanted. She was glad not to have to constantly remember to use a bulky title before Twist's name. It reminded her of when she'd still been human. Instead of calling each other by their first names, her mother's friends had always been "Mrs." whatever. These days, that kind of formality seemed quaint and dated. Except for the Invictus apparently. She was glad Twist had dispensed with the formalities.

Regina is about to protest, but instead nods, "Very well, I will abide by your desire, it is your home after all pris..I mean, Twist." She looks partly agitated, partly confused, and very embarrassed to be refering just by first name only. She takes a chair and relishes the close proximity instead of the business-like desk. "To what do I owe the pleasure of enjoying the company of my good friends?" Polite smile, but not forced at all.

Twist's eyes crinkled slightly at the corners at Regina's apparant uncomfort at her first name. She supposed she shouldn't have pushed her to not use titles- she was Invictus to the core. But it would be so much easier to discuss things without being referred to as viscountess or priscus or whatever... well, she would at least still call her Lady Regina. Maybe that would help.

Reaching behind her she lifted two manila envelope and let them settle into her lap before looking between the two women.

"Tell me- do either of you know our clan's signature discipline?"

Majesty? asked Mariel. Sure, I do. Why do you ask? Twist can't need to know this one; after all she's the Daeva priscus. Maybe she was too busy to teach it to someone else.

"Most regrettably, my Knightly duties have prevented my from studying it." Regina does sound sad. Was twist offering them work that relied on it?

Twist wasn't surprised at the response she recieved. She expected Regina to have the discipline as much as she expected herself to have it. She lifted the envelopes and handed one to each woman, inside each envelope was a sheet of paper with three paragraphs of information. She had had Kalos make copies of the original that Asa had sent over.

the info

"Our Prince has made a request of our clan regarding these men." She commented as she let the two women read the information within.

Hmmm. First a question about Majesty, and then a second about the Prince making a request of the clan. Regina stayed silent. There was nothing she could say that would help things.

So why these particular people? Who are they? What kind of information is the Prince looking for? asked Mariel.

"These people all work for a company called Horizen Pharmatech," a hint of a stumble on the last word but she moved on smoothly, "which is why them. I don't know anything else about them save what you do" she added indicating with her hand the papers they both held in their hand. "And it isn't so much information that he is looking to get from them but to actually get them. He would like it if these three could be brought under kindred control. That is why I asked about the discipline- it would make it easier to achieve such a goal with its assistance."

"I regret, Visc.. Twist. I regret that I will be unable to help in this regard." Regina does in deed sound disappointed in herself.

I'll need a lot more information than this if I'm to be effective, said Mariel, wondering why the Prince needed to know about a company that manufactured drugs. What is the Prince's interest in this company? What is he trying to accomplish?

She thought about the potential assignment for a quick moment. Also, although I want to help, I wonder if my appearance might be detrimental in this case. I look so young....would either of these gentlemen find that appealing or interesting?

She sighed, and said, Please forgive all these questions, it's just that...well....the Lancea haven't been kept in the loop of information on other matters occuring in the city. I just wondered if there was more to know than what is available here. She gestured toward the very thin dossier.

Twist decided that she would never again ask an Invictus to forgo titles, even if they were Daeva.

"I understand and appreciate the face that if you could you would" she replied with a warm smile to Regina.

She listened to Mariel's questions quietly, letting the woman finish before pausing to gather her thoughts to answer. "His interest is that there is suspicion this company is responsible for the Lost Nights. We are worried they are the ones holding" she paused and glanced at Regina for a brief second, "Mr. O-Yama. Unfortunately, this is all the information we have on these gentlemen at the moment. I can speak to the Prince and see if anything else has become available though. As for your appearance- I personally find nothing wrong with it," she gave Mariel and appraising once over, a smile quirking at her lips, "and doubt that the men will either. They may be suspicious at your approach though it's true. Suspecting something unusual. Especially given what we suspect they are working on. I don't deny the danger. But that is why I inquired about the discipline. My understanding was that it would make their resistance to falling for you less."

"Slaying those responsible for the wounding of the Invictus would give me great pleasure (she pauses) Twist. It would be a mark of shame were the Knighthood of this city unable to participate in such an operation." She then remembers that Mariel is here, and regrets her harsh tone.

The Lost Nights! Kidnapped kindred! OMG! I'm not super good at it, but I can teach either of you what I know, said Mariel. If that will help, I'm glad to do so.
OOC why exactly haven't the Covenant heads been informed of this?

Twist nodds with a quick but viscous grin at Regina's words, obviously she too was looking forward to the day that the slaying would occur. "And I am sure that when the Prince decides to move in that manner against them, the Knights will be duly informed. For now he wants to proceed with caution and try and get Mr. O-Yama out prior to us spilling forth with vengeance."

Her lips pursed slightly at Mariel's words. They were not quite what she wanted to hear. "I appreciate the offer and will not hesitate to take you up on it Mariel. But does that mean you will not assist me in this matter?"

Twist was relieved when Mariel was quick to correct her, offering her services to assist in the seduction of the Horizon employees. She let it show briefly in a smile and slight relaxation of her muscles. But there was little else to do this evening. It was far to late to begin tonight, despite the feeling she had for urgency in the matter.

Twist stood, signaling an end to the meeting.

"Thank you again, both of you, for coming to meet with me this evening. Mariel- I would like to work with you in this endeavor. I will let you take the lead as I feel you have more expertise than I, so simply let me know what needs to be done and I will do my best. Lady knight- I am sure that when the time comes for your skills and mine to be used in such a manner as is befitting, we will be called upon."

Walking them out to the front of the theater, Twist bid them both a pleasant remainder of the evening and waited until they had both driven off before stepping back inside, a pleased smile on her face.

Oh she knew the hard part was still yet to come, but at least a step had been taken in the right path.