The thrill of Milton’s encounter with the Prince at the last court has not faded. Indeed, their conversation has been much on his mind.

She is like Hera, he’s decided. Fierce, deadly, beautiful. Unforgiving.

Like Hera’s later instantiation Juno, she is the savior of the state. Without her, the domain would tear itself apart.

She is the terrible, gravitational center of their undead world. Regina Alessandra.

To that end, he decides to dedicate himself to the task of completing the scale model Greek Bireme he has been working on. And not just to his normal standard—this must exceptional. For he wishes to make the Prince a gift.

Milton bends to the task whenever he has a moment. Whenever he is not out in the world, making money, amassing power, stealing life, he works at it. Sanding, staining, bending, assembling, affixing, painting; each step is done with the utmost care.

He tries to practice the patience they discussed, tries to remember that time means nothing to him. That he can do anything he pleases, with enough persistence and enough will.

It pays off. The final product is, indeed, exceptional.

Milton stands back in his small haven, examining the handsome piece at a distance. Admiring it.

He’s going to need a proper display case for the thing. Presentation is half the battle. He returns to his seat at his work table and opens his laptop, glancing at the boat again for a moment. Very fine, Milton.

Enough self-congratulation. Time for some online shopping.

Crafting Rolls, Target Success: 8