Connor awoke for the night in his apartment in the industrial district of town. He knew that feeding would be scarce, and would be restricted to either the homeless or the stray lady of the night that had wandered here; hoping for a score with the number of Kine coming off of their shifts at the various factories or warehouses. "Any port in a storm." He thinks to himself as he dresses to impress. The Unfortunates, as they'd been called in England at one point in time, were more likely to ignore their intuition when it came to Connor's curse if it looked like he had enough money to be worth the risk.

He stepped out into the warm air of a California summer night and slid into the driver seat of his '67 Challenger. The engine roared to life as he turned the key in the ignition and headed out for his hunt.

The streets were mostly barren at this time of night, save for a lone Kine woman, standing under one of the few street lights at the corner of an intersection. Connor pulled over, and reached to roll his window down. As the tempered glass slid into the body of his vehicle, Connor could see the woman shudder as his curse hit her. She would be wary, but it hopefully wouldn't matter.

"Are you alright?"
He called out of his window, catching her slightly off guard. "Do you need a ride? This part of town is pretty dangerous at night." The fact that the most dangerous thing around currently was himself didn't need to be said.

The woman looked around for a moment before approaching his window, shuddering as she got closer. "We could start with a ride, and see where that goes, handsome." She replied to Connor question, it was somewhat rehearsed in its delivery. Connor nodded his head toward the passenger door, then reached across to unlock it. The woman hurried around and got in, and Connor took off. He drove toward the edge of the industrial district, the streetlights fading in his rear-view mirror.

One in a darkened part of town, Connor pulled into an alleyway and looked toward the woman. She was understandably uncomfortable, she knew she was prey from the feeling that Connor's mere presence exuded, but she was eager for what she though would be a big paycheck. He took out the $200 cash he carries for such an occasion as this and set it on the dashboard, then leaned in to brush the hair from the woman's neck before laying a kiss upon the Kine's skin. A few more kisses were lain upon the unbroken canvas of his prey's flesh before his teeth showed and he "kissed" her one final time.

2 successes

Connor's kiss was pleasurable, euphoric to some, so the woman did not struggle. After he hand drank what he thought he could, he licked the wounds closed. "On second thought," He said as he withdrew, "Maybe would shouldn't." He handed half of the money to the woman, 'for her time' he told her, and drove her back to the spot where he had originally picked her up. She got out of his car, and he left her standing under what little safety the streetlight could offer.