It had been a few days since anyone had heard from Firah and the other girls in their little coven were getting concerned. Obsidian had her suspicions, so she brought Raven with her. When they arrived at Firah's door, they found it locked, but Raven found an unlocked window and was able to get in. He let Obsidian in through the back door of the darkened house.

"I did not see her, but I did not search," said her man servant.

"Thank you. Stay behind me," she instructed.

Together, they searched the small one story house and found Firah in a spare room. All the furniture had been moved up against the walls and in the center was a circle of salt, numerous candles burned to their bases, and the smell of death lingering in the air.

Firah was sitting crosslegged in the center of the circle, slumped forward, holding her hand to her chest. She sat in a pool of blood.

"It looks like she hit an artery and didn't have the sense enough to get help."

Obsidian spotted an ornate knife in the sticky old blood.

"This is why we use needles, little girl. Traditional knives may seem cool, but knives are always dangerous, even in our own hands."

Obsidian turned to face Raven.

"go look for cleaning supplies, including bleach. We are going to clean this up."

Raven left to do as commanded. Obsidian turned back to face the young woman.

"You will be missed, but I do thank you for making an example of yourself. It simplifies things for me."

The others will be told, but they will also want to see.

Obsidian took some pictures with her phone camera.

I may use them as puppets and livestock, but they are MY puppets and livestock.

Obsidian gave Firah a moment of silence.

When Raven returned, they cleaned the room, erased their own traces. They left Firah's body sitting in the shower, with the knife.

Hopefully, no one will question the lack of blood, she thought. There is enough evidence to reveal Firah's interest in blood magic, but most authorities will write that off as a foolish woman's interest in absurd superstitions.

Obsidian smiled a little as she looked back one last time at Firah's body.

This will also help to caution the coven about secrecy and obedience. Thank you, Firah.

They left quietly.