The Airtouched was alone in her backyard once again. The neighbors Pomeranian was happily eating a pup ice cream treat she got from the ice cream shop at the start of her neighborhood. The owners had a strange thing going there. Gas and Ice cream. I mean, it made sense to Vivian, but others were confused with the idea so it hadn't gotten the popularity that Vivian thought it deserved. Fuel your car, give yourself a happy little treat while heading off to wherever?! She had first gotten interested in the establishment after she overheard a neighbor call it a 'child trap.' Naturally the Airthouched had thought the worst.....but no. Humans always said things they didn't mean. It was partly why she had such a hard time adjusting. She was a literal being.

Like literally glaring at the invisible hands of the Air as it gusted through her backyard. Yeesh. What the hell was its problem? Goddamn Northwind just loved pushing everybody around! She harumphed and stamped her foot. "That is quite enough now!" She was blasted with a bitter cold wind in the eyes! Oh....oh.....the jerk! "How dare you!" She finally yelled. The Pomeranian jumped into Vivian's arms crying as the wind stung its little beady glass looking eyes. She held the Pom close, and did the one thing she was most afraid of doing, she called upon the contract of Elements to protect herself from the winds incursion. Her mantle folding around the little dog as well.

Vivian blinked when she realized what she had just done. Over a little dog and some charge from the Northwind?! The cloak protected her from the winds buggery, and before she had a chance to agonize over the decision of using Elemental Contracts, the neighbor came looking for the dog. The drooly dog with fox ears and cat feet. It was cute in a high energy, way to brave, floof ball kinda way. "Oh...hey Vivian, right? Oh you found Toby again. He just loves your yard, I don't know what it is. " Vivian smiled and nodded, and handed Toby back over the fence.