Ram gave s slightly sad smile, wondering if she felt trapped in doing what the Fair Folk had made her into like he sometimes did.

"Nothing to be ashamed of," he said with a friendly shrug "Not my cup tea of course." He grinned. "Don't think I could ever pass as a baby."

"I don't need armor really. Already got two sets. Just always nice to have more and better stuff."

Ram set the boxes down whenYamiyo said she had to leave.

"Oh, okay."
He hoped he hadn't done something to run her off or that she felt ashamed after mentioning her income source. He hoped she knew that he truly didn't care.
<O K>

"Have a god day. I'll see you later."
<Good day. Tomorrow see you>

He led her back out of the staff area and waved goodbye as she headed out to wherever she was going.

Thanks for the scene.