Wilhelm came to a sudden stop at the end of the alley. The man had picked his spot well, and the shadows would have concealed him from most any onlooker. But the Mekhet’s enhanced gaze pierced their veil with ease; noting how he had the woman pinned against the wall, the hand covering her mouth, the way his free hand fumbled at his belt. And he decided to intervene. Perhaps he did not consider himself to be a model citizen, and indeed he had performed many questionable acts over the long years of his Requiem. But attacks without cause, unprovoked offenses, were things he could not stand. Mainly when they were directed at him; but in regard to others as well, to a lesser extent. So he stepped into the alley, his soft voice quite clearly carrying to the man. “I would advise you to leave the lady alone.”

Her assailant reacted almost immediately, turning towards him. “Hey man, but out. This has nothing to do with you, okay? Just go on and enjoy your night.”

Wilhelm’s unwavering stare did not leave the man, “I will not repeat myself.”

“Yeah, well fuck you then!”

There was a glimmer of steel as the man drew a knife that had been thrust through his belt. “Eilig.” Wilhelm’s voice was a soft whisper as he acted as well, drawing one of his two new collapsible batons in a subtle motion. “Gewiss.” The man broke into a charge, glittering blade held high as he prepared to plunge it into the only obstacle between him and his perceived conquest. “Letzt.” Wilhelm acted faster than the man thought possible, sidestepping the clumsy overhand stab. He extended his baton in the same motion, hearing it click as the components locked into place. Still maintaining that same smooth motion, the blade came down hard on the man’s wrist. Wilhelm was fairly certain he heard and felt something snap, the knife certainly clattered to the ground. Before the scream of pain could escape the man’s throat the baton struck again, stealing his breath as it thudded into his midriff. The blow bent him almost double, and the last strike came down across the back of his skull. The man dropped to the ground, unconscious.

Wilhelm collapsed the baton, slipping it back into his pocket before making his way over to the woman. He was caught by surprise when she just collapsed into his arms, just barely getting the blush activated in time. He was left standing there, awkwardly patting her on the back consolingly. “He was going to-”

“I know.”

“Is he-”


She gazed up at him, and he realized that she was in fact quite beautiful despite the tears that streaked her face. And a hesitant smile broke across her face as she pressed herself back into him. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome.”

Her arms tightened around him ever so slightly, her voice a whisper that he’d have barely been able to make out without the assistance that Auspex provided him. “Could you…walk me home? Just in case?”

Ahh…how useful Nightingale Syndrome could be at times. “Of course.” An hour later she was safe in her apartment; lying barely clothed on her bed with pleasant memories, albeit ones likely to be misinterpreted. Wilhelm, meanwhile, was feeling quite sated. He paused as he prepared to leave though, glancing down at her unconscious form. It seemed a shame to let so valuable a potential resource go to waste. One blade appeared in his hand with a flurry of shadows, slicing the skin of his finger. Holding the hand over her he allowed one draught of vitae fall past her slightly parted lips, watching as she reflexively swallowed it in her sleep. After taking care to dab any traces of blood from her lips, Wilhelm took his leave.

Eilig, Gewiss, Letzt