The alarm going of to indicate a new day, however always being one that liked to get up with the sun so was she already well and ready for the day.
Today would be her first actual physical class later on she would meet up with the Sigma Omicron group and in a couple of days she would know if she would be accepted in or not and if she got in so would she most likely move in during the weekend, not that she really needed it but it was a lot closer to school and it might be good to be around humans her own age and get some friends and if nothing else maybe play with one or....
Shaking her head
Evil brain no don't go there.

Grabbing her cold thermos from the fridge along with some fruits and lastly her backpack.
Dressing up in a half gothic half VK style and bringing along a large hoodie to hide in as she makes her way to school, taking the long walk she had been sure to learn during the summer and measured the exact ways to get there the fastest and definitely the safest, her safety clock on in case anything would happen, memories of the attack she suffered just before summer flashing through her mind. True the bastard had not shown up again during the summer but then again that might be pure luck or it might be because he was away for the summer as many were and it was better to be safe at least.
Taking a deep breath to try and get those thoughts behind her as she enters the massive campus.

Looking around in awe, never before had she been at such a large school the various schools she had attended before all being rather small at least in comparison. True this was only a small part of it but still it far outdid any high school.
Getting out her map of the area, it was so lovely that they existed for free downloads as she makes her way to class, throwing her hoodie on as she gets inside and pulling it up wanting to hide as much of herself as possible and not draw any unwanted attention fairest already had issues with that to begin with and she did not want it to disturb her education.

Making her way to the class in good and well time, sitting down to eat an apple and go through the book and material for the class preparing for the class as well as possible in advance, eagerly rushing in as the doors opens getting a good seat in the front, stacking up erasers, pencils, spare pencils, putting her phone to record so she can record the entire class, getting her notebook out and looking eager to begin.

Adjusting her clothing to hide her as much as possible, trying to not feel the looks from others both from whom looked at her due to her appearance and those whom just thought she was a nerd or over eager or whatever else circled their minds.

Going through the classes trying not to draw any attention from anyone, not asking questions, taking notes of everything being said, writing down various questions for herself to look into for later and focusing heavily on trying to do as well as possible whilst still melting away.
Shaking her head a bit from all the sounds echoing around, it was really not pleasant but this was what her training had been for, why she had brought aspirin and so forth.
Taking out two of them to swallow along with some smoothie from her thermos.
Much to her joy so did she not seem to get any real unwanted attention through the class at least, either her hiding clothes worked, people just didn't care or they just whispered whatever the reason so was she mostly left undisturbed accept for a small ask to borrow her eraser for a brief moment.

After what seemed like both mere minutes and an infinity the class ended much to her solemn dismay, the topic was fascinating and she really wanted to learn more true this was just the basics and a beginning which meant that it was things she had mostly gone through herself more than once before but it had still given her both the first view of how classes were, seen how the professor would teach and so forth.

Waiting for the room to be nearly emptied before getting out herself, looking at her schedule and rushing of to her next class sadly that one would not be as interesting but still you needed something not so fun to appreciate the best things more.
A smile on her lips as she wonders how much she can learn here and what kind of career her chosen education could give her a thought that hadn't really struck her at all until now she had just decided on studying her own private interest after all.