As she gulped in night air, false tears falling onto the cold stone of a new grave marker, her shoulders heaving under the warm arm of the hitchhiker, Twist was considering what to do. Despite searching nearly the entire graveyard for Markos and Red Widow, neither had made their presence known. Which left her wandering the cemetery with a hitchhiker who thought he was being sweet by accompanying a grieving girl to her family member’s gravesite.

She knew she couldn’t just leave him here. Markos had indicated that the other was hungry in a dangerous way. If she left him here and she found him with no one to control her, there a chance it ended poorly for the hitchhiker. And Twist didn’t want such a potential masquerade breach on her hands.

Spotting a new grave she had taken the chance to keep up her masquerade, but she could only keep crying for a few more minutes. Coming to a decision she slowly let her tears dry, her shoulder’s heaving slow and sniffling turned to snuggle into the man.

Obviously surprised he awkwardly embraced her and from there it wasn’t difficult for her shift against him just enough to put her in striking distance. And before he could react she struck, her fangs sinking into his neck, lips latching to prevent the precious blood from escaping her hunger. His initial shock had him attempting to push her away but as the pleasure of her bite sunk in, his arms wrapped around her holding her closer, wanting more.

Summoning control, Twist pulled away after only a few moments though, neatly licking the wound close. The man made a pained noise and looked down, his eyes slightly glazed.

Twist smiled and kissed his lips softly and he didn’t fight her when she led the way back to her vehicle. There was no reason to let her hard work at getting him go to waste after all…