Ahh the dreadful Easter weekend had finally come to an end, she had spent most of her time either at home or at the hospital being with the old man, taking care of him or rather just keeping him company. After a while the doctors and nurses had just started to ignore her presence allowing her to be there, she was no bother, had some sway of the male doctors and even the female doctors and nurses had found it hard to deny her wills not to mention that she did their jobs easier. She helped him with all the non medical stuff so why complain in the end, especially in times like these.
She was still quite disgusted though, an entire long weekend had passed and none of his children had even come to visit him once, is that how you should treat a parent?
Sadly yesterday night he had taken a turn for the worse and been moved into a wing where he wasn't allowed visitors anymore so she could no longer be there for him.

She had managed to get Chunhua's help to sell the bag she had gotten on her date on Ebay and gotten nearly full value for it, making her able to pay her rent in good time and have plenty of money left over. His many naps and sleeping times had also given her plenty of time to study.

But today was Tuesday, the 14th, waking up feeling dreadful, she hated the 14th it was the worst of dates. Even before her durance so had her period always arrived on the 14th and it had continued to do so even after coming back, she knew she couldn't carry children but she did still seem to have eggs and get her period at least.
But this month just like last she did not, it felt weird and wrong.
Splashing her face with water, taking a deep breath, looking in the mirror as her mind raced, darkness, a sharp blade, the pain, the pushing down, that night were just a couple of months ago and still echoed with dreadful fear in her memory. She did not know why they had done it, who they were nor why they had healed her to such a degree that she didn't even have a scar from the incident.

She knew that it was the last straw and why she had sought a freehold, no longer feeling safe but what had happened, why did they do it and what would this mean for the future? She knew she would have to tell this story soon and it scared her, the violation still felt fresh and never did it feel stronger than on the 14th.

Those gleaming eyes, that awful laughter, the cold steel, the strength of those arms, the blindfold, it was all rushing through her mind, curling up in the shower, screaming her lungs out as tears runs down her cheeks.