It was time to face the day, fear can only seal you, only control you and cage you if you allowed it to, each trip outside the door was another small victory and a step towards regaining herself once more, to feel in control and have a sense of not being afraid anymore.
Slowly unlocking her door, checking both sides to make sure that it was safe to head out, locking her door and sneaking down the stairs once more, keeping a careful look around, an assailant would most likely not strike during the day but better safe than sorry right?
Going to the bus, constantly feeling watched, like there was something in the corner of her eye hiding just outside her view, no matter where she looked so were the observer always precisely out of range to be able to perceive him. Shaking her head, this was probably just her fear talking, there was no one observing her, well no one with malicious intent at least, eyes were constantly upon her, both men and women often turned their head to get another glimpse at her that was just the curse of being who and what she was, even though it wasn't always comfortable at all times so was it rarely dangerous.

Jumping on the bus, finally a place that would be safe, nothing would happen with so many people around, no one would be that stupid, allowing herself to relax and calm down for a brief moment before her stop comes up.

Jumping of the bus and heading to her Korean class, not that she could do that well her eyes constantly flickering around, feeling watched and unsafe, why did something as minor as a gut punch scare her this much? She had been through far worse, knew that there were far more dangerous things out there both other Lost that had lost their senses, whom were just not kind ones or some who were even loyalists, not to mention dangerous and malicious fetches and worst of all the gentry themselves they were all out there and this assailant were most likely little else than a mere mortal man, even with her limited fighting skills so could she probably take him by just invoking a few contracts and obliterate him with powers far beyond what he had ever seen.

The class quickly came to an end at least that's what it felt like, not that she had been able to absorb much information or progressed at all in her studies during this class, but then again she nearly had the language down it was just the final doors she needed to unlock to fully grasp it, suddenly feeling a hand on her shoulder.
Danger, danger what is this, jumping up and shouting.
"Leave me alone!"
Several eyes looking at her sudden outburst, more shocked than anyone were perhaps Chunhua whom were the one that had tapped her shoulder.
"Are you alright? You seemed quite distracted today so I just wanted to see how you were doing, you haven't answered my texts either so I was starting to get worried"
Taking a couple of deep breaths before calming down enough to answer.
"I am sorry these last couple of days have been quite hard on me"
Ohh come lets go to the study room and talk about it alone, guiding Yamiyo to the study room and sitting her down before sitting down herself.
"So what has happened?"
Hesitating a moment before answering.
"The other night when I got home there was a masked man waiting for me, he hit me in the stomach, I tried to escape but I fell he..he.he grabbed my hair and pushed me against my wall. If my neighbor hadn't been there I don't know what would have happened"
Chunhua looking at Yamiyo with concern in her eyes, tears starting to fall down Yamiyo's eyes.
"What that is horrible who would do such a thing? Did you see who it was or know who it could have been"
Shaking her head
"No I don't have a clue but my appearance and desires often gets me enemies that is part of why I tend to not stay in one place for all to long, I don't know I just haven't been able to feel safe since then."
Chunhua thinking for a moment, then taking out her phone and sending away a text.
"Come on come with me to the sorority at least you won't be alone there and we can either have your lesson for today there or just have you surrounded by women and we have campus security available should it be needed as well, does that sound good?"
Looking around before standing up and giving Chunhua a warm hug squeezing as tightly as she could.
"Thank you"
A gentle smile from Chunhua's lips before closing her eyes and enjoying the hug.
"Come on lets go I already texted everyone that I would bring you."
The two heading out with Chunhua leading the way.