She was home, no she was safe, no one would touch her here, barring the door, heading to the cabinet and taking out a bottle of wine, pouring a glass and swallowing it in an instant, filling it back again, taking out some wasabi nuts to get the taste of the wine out, she really didn't enjoy wine but it was the perfect alcohol for her.

Sitting down, trying to calm herself down, taking deep breaths, she was safe, it wouldn't happen again, never again, not here, she was here cause she would be safe here, they couldn't have come after her, she had just been unlucky to run into them to begin with she was just a lucky target for them not the one or someone they had targeted.

Sitting down by the computer, opening her false social media accounts and checking up on her fetch, the life she could have had, the life she had been denied. There was no way to know if even a fraction of what her fetch posted were true or if it was just someone her fetch had made sure to post for it but nevertheless so did it give her a form of solace to see what it was up to and to see the life she might have had would she not have been taken. In truth she cared little for her fetch, she didn't mind it taking her life in fact what life? She had no family, no friends and were a recently turned street kid or well she was 18 but still the streets were about to become her home. In fact her fetch were probably just a waste of energy no one would have noticed her permanent disappearance anyway, at the very best she might had made it into some statistical data but even that was quite unsure.

Her new life might be filled with danger but it felt like she at least got to walk it with open eyes and not be hidden from the truth, she had gifts to aid her in life and were capable of experiencing wonders that human could never even dream of, her new state were in many senses an indescribable blessing. Her fetch had gotten the short end of the stick and if the social media posts were true so had it done more with it's life than she probably would have but it still seemed far worse than her own. Wondering if they would ever meet again, hopefully that would be after she knew more about fetches and knew how to deal with it so for now it was good if they remained as far from one another as possible.

Finishing her second glass of wine during her cyber stalking before heading to bed.

The search and the wine might have helped her to change her focus for a while but only whilst keeping her focus on other things, seemingly getting stuck in a sleep paralysis she could see the shadowy faces, impossible to make out how many they were just that they were a group, four, maybe five, maybe seven or maybe it changed or maybe she had been to gone to actively see what had happened, the cold steel, the feeling of helplessness coming over her again as she relieves the memory, her body frozen just like then, screaming a silent scream, trying to move a frozen body all that she could do were to move her eyes but all she saw were blurry, a searing burning pain in her flesh, a loss, but a healing leaving barely any trace of what had happened, few would believe it if she told them, the law less likely than anyone, the physical pain had long since healed the trauma on the other hand was still there, pushing through her mind, no no no never again, this was just a memory, she was safe now, she was safe, she had people who at least cared enough to stand on her side, didn't she? Well at least she hoped so and she had to know why, she needed to know, the shadow grinning a grand smile at her as she breaks free, sitting up, screaming her lungs out, breathing deeply, her body glistening with sweat, running through the entire apartment to make sure that no one had been there and that she was safe, taking a quick shower before heading back to bed with all the lights on.

Wondering for how long she could keep this a secret, if it were wrong to keep silent about it? She would talk about it as soon as she found an opportunity or if need pushed her to do so but for now she still needed to build up her courage to be able to speak of it, she was still afraid to even admit to herself that it had happened, that she had been so careless and so weak.

Falling asleep with eyes colored red from tears, hugging her lovey dovey decorated picture frame meant for someone you were truly in love with tightly, sadly it still held no picture in it.