Alright she had showered and gotten ready, time for her first try on something new. She doubted that this would be the thing to that would actually be her right path but at least it were legal and she should be able to do it it.
Heading to the bus to get to the club, entering it charming the bouncer were a peace of cake not only did she not get carded but she also got in without waiting then again perhaps there were rarely any real lines for a exotic dance club on a weekday night?

Sitting there watching the women for a while, this were a scene where she felt comfortable at least for a short while all those women were well what were they, they were skilled in their dances and they were meant to be beautiful weren't they? But did they really hold any beauty? Her time seeing both herself on a daily basis not to mention the queen recently had kind of destroyed her views on beauty it seemed but at least the skimpy outfits did make her have some fantasies.

Getting men to pay for her drinks were of no issues until she finally felt brave enough talk to the manager, convincing him to give her a testing attempt to dance and to then hire her wasn't hard in fact she barely even needed to touch upon the subject before he were the one who fulfilled it, found her a song to match her after throwing clothes to match the song upon her.

In less than 20 minutes afterwards she were upon the scene
Damn how is this gonna go, come on the first time is the hardest besides your fetch probably got forced to this as well if even for just a while.

Beginning slowly taking about one minute to not feel to disgusted with herself but luckily so does no one really seem to mind that she's bad at the performing arts or only showing herself down to her underwear, throwing money at her and cheering loudly but as her dance comes to an end things quickly takes a turn for the worse.
The clientele starts shouting of who should get the private dance with the red haired beauty, other shouting of the blonde beauty, that they are both wrong and that they clearly haven't looked and as such they should have the honor of the dance. It isn't long before the first fist is thrown and not long thereafter she tries to escape, getting caught by a woman that presses her up against a wall, offering her a minor fortune to come home with her and her husband, taking the moment in act she quickly kisses the large woman and feeds on the lusty emotions around her, taking her wallet in the process but remembers that she shouldn't do that so she puts it back in another pocket and whilst using the moment the woman is out of it from the kiss she runs away, luckily her things were kept so she could easily get them during her escape.
Taking on her normal clothes, hiding as much as she can with her hood until she gets home.

Throwing her clothes of and immediately goes to take a long shower, feeling disgusted with herself and crying for even having gone through with this stupid plan, she were horny and could not deny it, it had been an ever increasing factor of her ever since she returned but she did not want it not like this not whilst feeling like she degraded herself in these manners she wanted attention of those that could see beyond her cursed appearance and she did not want to get naked for so many people or become a fetish for them.
The shower ran long before she finally felt mentally stable enough to exit it and head for bed.

Hopefully tomorrow you will find something better

Good with the bad though in her purse lied a nice amount of honestly earned money which were a rarity for her.