A warm smile, a gentle caress instilling a rarely experienced calm, a sister throwing something hard at her, pain, the embrace of a brother, no not embrace a grapple, chains woven of things far to horribly beautiful to begin to comprehend what they were made of, sounds of delight and horror, sounds mixed with memories where there should be none.
Shaking and trembling, running far far away before finally calmly arriving to school for another good day of education this should were the good time of the day, an egg thrown by the horned giant cheerleader hitting her face, wait what no, class is starting.

Ugghh of course math is the first subject of the day and the teacher is doing it all orally no writing nor reference of where to read, at least the frog is there to try and help wearing his adorable little professor hat, ohh he's just so cute. Reaching out to pet him as a flashing wave of heat strikes, finding herself in her P.E uniform in the school gym.

P.E ohh well at least that ain't to bad, shirts vs none shirts for dodgeball, wait as in nothing over your bare chest at all? Her brother and sister approaching her filling her with calm before ripping her clothes of, the teacher laughing as her classmates bombards her with balls, no not her classmates those are shades, monsters, friends?, what are they and when are they, blood gushing forth as sound comes where there were none, a seemingly endless echo of negative comments, jests and laughters to many to even begin to distinguish making her ears bleed.

Darkness, pain? no choking no breath left, eyes opening with a blurred sight before being pulled up, taking a deep breath as she sees her female classmates standing around her, one of them holding her head tightly, being spitted at as one of the girls draws something on her with lipstick all whilst they all talk in voices that cannot be heard, the girl holding her head pushing her down to drown her in the toilet once more, merely a couple of seconds this time before pulling her up and smashing her head against the porcelain thrown, blood coloring the water dark as she gets pressed down under again, coldness seemingly grasping from down below.
A whip, a scream of pain, a bright light, no a humanoid being of bright light embracing her as the scenery changes.

Loudly screaming, not recognizing where she is, sweat filling her body, waiting for what's to come, a couple of second passing by.
Your'e home, it was just a nightmare, I am not used to this new home yet that is all, calm down.

A couple of deep breathes later she finds her energy and walks up, heading to the fridge, taking out her frosty cup from the freezer and her aloe water from the fridge, filling the glass. Walking over the the small bay window, her favorite area in the whole apartment from there she could isolate herself or look out at the people around her being shut inside her own silent bubble. Taking out the picture frame and looking at it, silently sitting there shifting between watching out the window and down on the picture frame until the sun rises, it's first rays hitting the frame making all the hearts and decorations on it sparkle in a glorious beauty only being destroyed by the absence of any picture inside it.