A call in the middle of a meeting- in poor taste but…

But only a handful of people had this number. Family- distant but… Still there, still supportive to some extent, still willing to provide him funds for his endeavors. All of them were individuals the Mastigos could not ignore, rare as their voices were. Papilio might have hoped for some good news- but hope as he might, that wasn’t what he heard on the other end.

An old and important family member, dead of natural causes. A kinder soul, even after his changes. Even after he’d left the family to pursue a wildly different path, one that bought no end of ire from several members. A person satisfied with their life, and the path he’d chosen for his….

There were funeral arrangements to be made and other ceremonies to attend. And spells to utilize, to ensure their passing was truly sound and that the body left behind would remain undisturbed. A grimm thought to some, perhaps- but necessary in his eyes.

...No doubt they had left letters for everyone, perhaps something more for others. He left letters of his own, to the Hierarch and to Pixel, explaining the unfortunate circumstances. Apologizing for the disruption this would cause, and leaving a number behind- one he would use, should he return.

A plane ticket bought at the last minute, arrangements for his living space and vehicle quickly taken care of- he was used to traveling. In a few days he would be back home, back to where he’d Awoken, back to where his old life had almost come to an abrupt end.

It was sad, to leave on short notice- but Jean hoped one day to see the city again.

Yumyumcrow Campanella Pixel Xander