Sunlight peeked through the curtains, heralding the arrival of the morning. Sonnie Wu awoke, half naked in a big comfy bed, to be greeted by...


By a huge freaking hangover!

The Beast groaned and winced at the intruding sunlight, pulling the covers up over her head. The glare was too much to deal with right now. Her skull was pounding. It took a while before her mind even asked the question: Where was she?

Not home. This was not her bed. What had happened?

She recalled the dance club, partying with Sera, and Emily, and Mable. She recalled having a lot to drink... and something about acrobatics and her underwear. Then she and her fellow Changeling left, and they went somewhere. Where was it? Oh yes! They went to get fried chicken.

Hot, greasy fried chicken.

Suddenly, Sonnie felt sick to her stomach.

Bursting from the bed, she somehow managed to make it to what appeared to be a bathroom connected to the guest bedroom. She must be in Seraphina's house.

Bent over the very nice toilet, Sonnie puked up the late night meal. The wretching sounds echoed noticeably off the walls of the toilet bowl.

When she was done (for the moment), the monkey girl sat back against the bathroom wall and wiped her face with a pretty hand towel. Despite the painful throbbing in her skull, she chuckled.

"Worth it," her weakened voice declared.