Patience is ten. And it is Sunday, her favorite day. Because Sunday is the day the entire camp meets to celebrate their Fellowship. No working the fields and orchards. No minding the livestock. No mending clothes. No training at arms or with fists.

Every member of their congregation has gathered in the church, an old meeting hall. It is raining outside and water drips from the roof. But no one notices. Because they are at prayer. Together.

A fat drop of rain lands on Patience's shoulder. Darkening the pink fabric of her pretty Sunday dress. She does not care. Like everyone else she is watching her Daddy, standing at the front of the church, preaching. Looking oh-so-handsome in his very fine suit.

"Make no mistake, Brothers and Sisters! This is the end," he calls out, raising his hands and swaying. "The Lord has ordained that we should see the end of times. And we shall see it! We shall stand and fight in His name in the great conflagration to come."

Conflagration means a big fire. Patience knows that because it is one of Daddy's favorite words.

Patience knows that the world will perish in flames. Because God says so.

"Be glad! For our Fellowship is washed in the blood of Jesus. And Jesus is our true and constant Friend!"

With that, the whole congregation bursts into song:

What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
And what a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer

Patience sings with them, swaying. She loves this song. It is very, very pretty.

She looks over and her mother, wearing a black dress, is singing and crying. Her hands are also raised in the air. She looks like a tree in the wind. She is swaying in time with Daddy. Throughout the congregation, other members are weeping and singing. The spirit is with them.

Oh, what peace we often forfeit
Oh, what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer

It is with Patience also, the Spirit. Her arms are up as well. She is swaying. And singing.

And weeping. Her eyes burn and her vision blurs. Darkens, as if a veil has been drawn over her eyes.

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer

The burning is a sweet pain, the fire of the Lord. And Patience sings, sings, sings. So that sweet Jesus can hear her.

She has never felt so Loved by God in all her life. Singing and crying next to her Momma.

Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness
Take it to the Lord in prayer

She looks over again and gives her mother a big smile. Her mother looks down at her, so pretty with her tears of joy spilling on her cheeks.

And then her Momma screams. She screams and screams and screams. And now the whole congregation is looking. Her Daddy is looking too. Shocked, all shocked and silent.

The singing has stopped. Everything has stopped.

Because Patience is weeping blood.