Konstantin, quite interested in getting to know the most recent Gangrel arrivals to the Domain, has contacted Karen Cromwell to set up an opportunity for a one-on-one talk. As he's done previously with other Gangrel, he arranges to meet with her at a wooded area of a local park, well after the park has closed for the night.

As Konstantin waits for her arrival, he sits atop a picnic table, using his Bowie knife to whittle by moonlight.

Karen arrives at the local park and heads to the designated area. She looks about as she goes, taking note of the native plant life and making notes for possible experiments once she's settled in town. Upon seeing Konstantin, she gives a small wave. "Good evening, Priscus. I hope you weren't waiting too long for me."

"No, is good. I like this place," Konstantin says. He sheathes his knife. Karen sees that he was whittling a big cat of some sort... a puma or leopard or tiger, perhaps; it's hard to tell with the work unfinished.

"I like to meet all the Savages of the Domain," he says to Karen. "Get to know them, who they are, what they can do. This Domain has enemies, and when we fight the enemies, Clan Gangrel will be at the front of the battle. It is my job to see we are ready. So, tell me about you...what brings you here, your strengths, areas maybe not so strong. Unusual talents, or blood powers not common to our Clan."

"I was embraced five years ago, although I had known my sire - a woman by the name of Melissa Denard - for a year beforehand. Not sure how familiar you are with the Kindred outside of Sacramento, but Melissa is one of the premier researchers of mandragora on the West Coast. My own studies lie in that field as well; she also taught me how to call to plants much as other Savages can to animals."

"I came here mainly to give my sire some space. Before I left San Fransisco we had been working together on an experiment for about a year and almost came to blows a few times over what procedures to follow. Once the project was completed, we decided that it would be best if I moved my own work somewhere else."
Karen smirks. "I'll admit, not having her hovering over me has helped a good bit."

"I do better behind the scenes, patching people up as needed and working the research side of things. I can hold my own in a fight, but it's not my strong suit."

"Call to plants..." Konstantin thinks about that for a moment. He has heard vague rumors of such things in the past, usually in reference to the servants of the Crone, but had never encountered it in person. "This is unusual power. Your knowledge of mandragora, also unusual. Is good."

Konstantin was hard-pressed to see how those powers might assist in the Domain's fight with the perpetrators of the Lost Nights, but during his many years as a nomad, he had seen more than enough occasions when unusual and surprising abilities had been a deciding factor in a situation to know better than to discount the possibilities of such abilities.

Changing the subject, he asks "Have you set up place for your research yet?"

"Not yet, no. I wanted to get settled in town first and speak with the local Dragons before I started looking into a research facility."

Konstantin nods. "The Prince and his consort, Harpy Ishani, are both with the Dragons, as are two other Savages, Headstrong and Peter Vedderman. Headstrong is a warrior... Sworn of the Axe, I believe she says. Peter is... more a scholar."

"Have you questions for me?"
Konstantin asks her.

The Prince AND a Harpy...not bad. Karen nods. "About how many Gangrel are there in the city at the moment?"

Konstantin thinks for a moment. "Not a great number. Eight?..." Konstantin hadn't seen or heard anything of Roxie in awhile. Was she still around, or had she moved on?

"We are not the smallest of the Clans," Konstantin says. "The Nosferatu are fewer in number. But the other clans, much bigger. It is fine. This just means our renown is all the more earned."

Looking Karen in the eye, Konstantin says "You have many talents, it seems, but it is important all Gangrel be able to fight well. When you have settled in, go to Headstrong, tell her I said she is to test your fighting skills, and work with you to hone them if needed. Is this clear?"

"Crystal." Karen returns the look, then nods. "Are there any particular places in town that have already been claimed? I don't want to start setting up my greenhouse and find out the area's under someone else."

"Unlike many Domains, the Prince does not grant territory to individual kindred," Konstantin explains. "All are free to locate their Haven as they will, so long as they obey the Prince's laws. I do not know of any with interest in greenhouses, so should be no trouble for you."

"Good to know." Karen nods. "I can't think of any other questions at the moment."

"Very good," Konstantin says. "Report to Headstrong, like I said. I will look forward to hearing from her. Was good meeting, but since there is nothing else, I have places to be."

And with that, Konstantin's form shifts and twists while shrinking in on itself, becoming that of a bat. He flaps his wings a several times only a few times before he's flown out of sight.