Derek peeks through the blinds of his small apartment window, eyeing the street corner below. His enhanced vision scans the shadows for figures lying in wait. Had they found his Haven? Were they simply observing him or preparing to break down the door?

He had swept his apartment several times since rising and found no surveillance equipment that might suggest he was being spied on. But that doesn't mean they aren't...

Since escaping from Alten's apartment, Derek had shut himself up in his Haven, only going out to meet with members of his Herd for sustenance. But they would soon be compromised too before long. He keeps thinking about the mysterious voice on the phone and the agents that descended on the Sheriff, Keeper, and himself. They had all been captured on film. Captured by covert cameras and trapped inside the home with the deceased woman. Snared in their trap. Exposed to the light.

He had yet to hear from the Sheriff about what to do next. Echelon would surely be on the move. He knows he should be preparing for this assault on Folsom's prison and it's subterranean occupant. But he can't get the warnings from Garrett and Lina out of his thoughts. The unstable Prince. The subversive talk by the Dragons, and his promise to join their Covenant. It is all too much for his paranoia to handle.

Is that someone on the rooftop? Movement? Maybe just a shadow from a passing headlight...

Derek tears himself away from the blinds and sits back down at his computer desk and bathes in the dim light of its monitor. Fingers breeze over the keyboard while a mouse clicks in sharp staccato. Drones. Something small and mobile for indoors. Something with a camera. Thermal imaging for night vision. Powerful radio frequencies to penetrate the thick concrete of the prison walls. There are tons of websites and online stores. It's a popular hobby nowadays. He does a little research and finds something that will suit his purposes. A purchase is made. Hopefully it'll be good enough.