As Twist enters her office at the theater, she notices a brown box sitting on her desk. The box has her name and the address of the theater written on it in flowing script. It is a medium sized box with all the markings of something that was sent through the mail.

A brief look of confusion crossed Twist's face at the sight of the box, but assumed that with the show coming to a close in preparation of a new one, Kalos had merely forgot to mention it. Moving to the box she reached for it and after scanning the outside for any clue of the origins or sender, carefully opened it.

Inside the brown box is a long golden wrapped box with a red ribben wrapped around it and a large red bow that is bigger then the box is wide. The length of the box is about six inches long by three inches wide.

Twist lifted the thin box out of the brown larger one making a brief face at the obnoxiously large bow. She had a suspicion of what lay inside, but the why, who and well...everything else, still had her befuddled. Pulling off the bow and ribbon and setting it to the side she lifted the lid on the thin gold box.

Inside the box lay a black velvet jewelry case. It was a plain black case without any outter markings, fitting into the gold box with a snug perfection.

Twist pried out the jewelry box and held it in the palm of her hand, staring at it seriously for a few moments, her eyebrows drawn together as she studied the small package. Taking a deep breath she didn't need, she sat down in her office chair and popped open the lid.

Inside is an elegant white gold necklace with a pendant shaped to resemble a rose studded with diamonds. Inside the lid of the box is a note that reads:

To: Twist

From: An Old Friend GM

A smile bloomed across her face as she beheld the piece within. Twist lifted the necklace, admiring it's beauty. Still holding the piece lightly in one hand she read the note, and a flash of confusion passing across her face.

*An old friend GM?* She glanced to the piece again, and then back to the note. The initial's didn't immediatly strike a memory but she had so much on her mind recently that that was no surprise. She was sure it would come to her once she had a chance to sit down and think though. She took another moment to admire the piece before carefully replacing it in the box and setting it down.

*GM?...Who is GM?* Settling back into her chair she began to go over a list of those she knew in her head, looking for any with those initials.

No names ring a bell with Twist as she considers all of those she knows.

When nothing comes to mind Twist once more admires the necklace before tucking replacing it in it's box, the box in it's yellow box- without the bow, that went in the trash ,and set it to the side of her desk. The large outer box followed the bow and she quietly turned her attention to finding a company to do a massive deep clean of her theater.