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You and What Army?

31 - 38
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  1. #31
    Abraham Norton

    It's good to hear Summer is alright and organized. Sure would be a shame if four skilled Lost with propensity for violence simmered on each other...

    An eyebrow is raised at Fawkes' offhand Spring comment "Why is that? Are your Desires that deadly? Not all Emeralds are bundles of unchecked feelings, you know" But they make up a significant part of the Court, true "And it's not about encouraging, more like enabling. What, you told him 'no' and now the campaign is called off?"

    Delayed, more like.

    "I'm much better at dealing with external threats. Freehold Oaths, standards of behavior - that's for the Monarchs to decide. After giving everyone the security 101, I planned to focus on making sure there's a manageable number of gates and that our hollows, Goblin Fruit gardens, friendly Markets and whatnot are a good buffer zone...also, there's the other thing: who watches the watchmen?"

    Elementals may not be the same degree of callous Fairests are, but having so much raw power is dangerous to its wielder too.

  2. #32
    Fawkes's Avatar
    Rigid Mask
    Summer Mantle
    (Cloying metallic scent, pressure)
    Mien Details:

    An expressionless humanoid with a sectioned doll-like exoskeleton of sand-blasted glass. He has glass eyes that move and blink, and his mouth moves enough to speak naturally without a speech impediment, but does not emote. Fawkes does have the same hair as his Mask escaping from cracks in his scalp. It is actually magnetized red sand; any facial hair (eyebrows, beard, eyelashes) have to be artificially applied by hand.
    Active Pledges:

    Mentorship - Seraphina (Exp. Summer Coronation)

    Renewal Required:

    Good Neighbours - John Doe (Exp. 04/07)
    Good Neighbours - Maxwell J. Pierce (Exp. 03/26)


    "I just need structure," Fawkes says plainly. "I was good in Autumn, but wasn't doing good. I don't notice I've passed a limit until it happens. Mindfulness isn't my thing." That was the term, right? A flicker of education being injected into their postings about military service and PTSD. Something something attention to the moment. "Um. I just do shit that needs to be done. There's always something. So I don't stop." He was a little proud of it, straightening from his distractions.

    "The Private? No one told him no. He explained why he felt he should be Monarch. I told him that was dumb. General Price was nicer about it. He did a little speech that was basically "let's get our shit together first, and y'all can take incremental steps towards that" and Cole hasn't stopped screaming since. He thinks Price won't throw down so he is nice to me while accusing Price of being a liar and implying that since he's still alive he's a coward-" the smell if tearing ozone flares and he cuts himself off with a wave if the hand. "I'm going to stop bitching about Cole, now. I've dealt with him."

    As Abraham explains his target areas, Fawkes just nods as he takes a breath. "You mean Freehold policing? That's for Freeholds to figure out themselves. You mean Entitlements?" Fawkes was literal and analyzed actions; not picking up on implied nuances as quickly as one would expect.

  3. #33
    Abraham Norton

    "Fair enough" although Spring could have as much structure, if not more, than Summer. It had a sirprisingly large number of offices.

    "Dealt with him? All his limbs still in place?" The Flowering holds his tongue for a second "I'm sorry. That was inappropriate. But seriously, what happened?"

    Cole was a son of iron and steel, rapid cooling could only make him harder, less flexible. Abraham was no smith, but he knew that to bend a blade you need to adjust its temperature - slowly.

    "You're saying that as if Freeholds are some abstract entities, but that's not the case. You are the Freehold. I am the Freehold. Meaning there's only so much that should happen over our heads. But that brings us to another issue - if we are ever going to get serious about security, that means enforcing security"

    With everything that may entail, pretty or not. But noblesse oblige was hardly an alien concept to the Fairests Of Them All.

    "A glass tornado and a guy with access to mind control powers and sharp objects. There's bound to be pushback, especially when the 'greater good' argument starts flying. But all watchmen must be like a Caesar's wife"

    Beyond suspicion, that is. Not married to monarchs.

    "So no, I wasn't talking Entitlements, doesn't mean I didn't think about joining one. You? You worked with one already, maybe it's time to seek out another?"
    They could certainly provide more of the structure Fawkes needs.

  4. #34
    Fawkes's Avatar
    Rigid Mask
    Summer Mantle
    (Cloying metallic scent, pressure)
    Mien Details:

    An expressionless humanoid with a sectioned doll-like exoskeleton of sand-blasted glass. He has glass eyes that move and blink, and his mouth moves enough to speak naturally without a speech impediment, but does not emote. Fawkes does have the same hair as his Mask escaping from cracks in his scalp. It is actually magnetized red sand; any facial hair (eyebrows, beard, eyelashes) have to be artificially applied by hand.
    Active Pledges:

    Mentorship - Seraphina (Exp. Summer Coronation)

    Renewal Required:

    Good Neighbours - John Doe (Exp. 04/07)
    Good Neighbours - Maxwell J. Pierce (Exp. 03/26)


    Fawkes lights a second cigarette, half lidded stare on the flame as Abraham asks for details on the Metalflesh. "I'm not speaking about him in the past tense. Your Monarch's been informed of his Banishment. Though. I think we need a different term for it. It's a glorified time-out. No one has been forbidden to interact with him and King Richard hasn't put a bounty on his head. Just a request that the Monarchs let Summer know if they invite him to something so we won't be there to escalate it. He refuses to act like an adult so Richard took away his privileges. Complete isolation won't fix it."

    He assumed the Flowering wanted a play-by-play, but the rest of Court business. "I threw up a bladed wall when he was talking about treason. We left."

    The Elemental cocks his head, "Summer has a position for that. Does Spring? You said "who watches the watchmen". Are you concerned the wrong people will be appointed, or that the Freehold won't accept Court officers? Or are you concerned about how to make sure the position isn't abused?" Data please.

    "You mentioned Hedge Wardens. I looked into it before, but I was too transient. But..." his eyes flick back and forth as he counts to himself, "I don't think we have the population to realistically support something like that. Beyond just a shiny badge."

  5. #35
    Abraham Norton

    "So I take it he won't be present at the next Coronation?" It was a logical conclusion to what Fawkes's said, but better to ask. After all, there could be reasons Price would want Cole close on the day of his ascendancy "I don't understand why he notified only the Monarchs, though. Oh well, maybe we'll bump into one another and I will ask him then"

    Of course, at the end of the day, Cole is just a footnote in their conversation. Won't stay that way for long, though - the Flowering and the Metalflesh have unfinished business.

    "If there's a threat on the horizon, internal or external, a Claviger usually comes along and hits it with a club" That's how the office's name started, or so Abraham firmly believes "I thought I was being clear. But first, not 'appointed'. I'm not sure there even will be a Freehold-wide official position of a security officer. There was one, apparently, but it's been unoccupied for some time, so it stands to reason the Monarchs just erase it completely. But say that we step up as the go-to people for security - we'll be giving training, responding to threats, patrolling borders, whatever you imagine. That means power, and power means hubris. I want to be certain that when hubris appears we will recognize it, or if we don't - that the others will, and respond"

    Of course, it might seem like a given that an entire Freehold takes action against two would-be gestapo officers, but is it really? Inertia and conformism are powerful forces, and there is a lot of people believing in the lie of 'benevolent dictators'.

    "The improv class I mentioned earlier is a step in that direction. A Freehold Oath could be, maybe. But we need to think on that issue" Together or alone, makes little difference. Point is to make it a thing.

    Oh, okay. If he needed any more evidence Fawkes was serious business, now he doesn't. Bladed walls? Sheesh.

    "Well, I don't know, Lord Warden Norton has a nice ring to it" He laughs "No, but seriously: even one person, properly introduced, can make all the difference" The added bonus, for Abraham at least, was that there's something undoubtedly poetic about a lone defender of the realm, standing between the order of the Freehold and the chaos of the Hedge.

    This Fairest could be hopelessly romantic.

    "Right, so we know there are gaps in security that need addressing, that we have a general idea on how to address them - we may want to coordinate with Rhodes on that. And we know that there are pitfalls in the police officer's job" All things considered, this has been a very productive day. Abraham is reasonably certain the future of this Freehold - and his own within it - is coming together.

    It's an invigorating feeling.

    Then, the Flowering notices their glasses have been empty for some time. This appaling mistake is quickly corrected, though "You do toasts, Fawkes? To mirrors - may we all be able to look straight into them every day"

    He was very aware of how awkward this toast may sound to Fawkes, who was just as much one with glass as it was one with him.

  6. #36
    Fawkes's Avatar
    Rigid Mask
    Summer Mantle
    (Cloying metallic scent, pressure)
    Mien Details:

    An expressionless humanoid with a sectioned doll-like exoskeleton of sand-blasted glass. He has glass eyes that move and blink, and his mouth moves enough to speak naturally without a speech impediment, but does not emote. Fawkes does have the same hair as his Mask escaping from cracks in his scalp. It is actually magnetized red sand; any facial hair (eyebrows, beard, eyelashes) have to be artificially applied by hand.
    Active Pledges:

    Mentorship - Seraphina (Exp. Summer Coronation)

    Renewal Required:

    Good Neighbours - John Doe (Exp. 04/07)
    Good Neighbours - Maxwell J. Pierce (Exp. 03/26)


    Fawkes blinks as the Fairest seems irked that Richard expected the respective leaders of their Courts to communicate, rather than making it into an open forum. He doesn't comment, but does on the question of Cole. "I doubt it. He might die if he showed."

    As Abraham talks of measures for corruption, he wonders if the man was projecting. "Okay. So. Summer usually has this handled. Why aren't you Claviger, then?" He makes a small note in his phone. "I'll pass on your idea to King Price. We talked about this and he doesn't want me Constable. Suggested Sun's Tongue," he wasn't sure how much the other knew about the Iron Spear's functions. "Are you...worried that if we organize between our Courts that Fall and Winter will have a problem with that?" He sounded both confused and humoured.

    They could whine: there was only two Winters and one Fall. They could step up their game like Spring had. Rhodes was too busy mooning after Sera, it seemed.

    "King Price explained the Monarchs are trying to sort out a Freehold Pledge, so we have a draft instead of a bunch of extended bickering. Fucking slow, though. Summer is going to hammer out our own Court Pledge, and King Price understands I'm going to be pretty vocal if Our clause with the Freehold is lacking."

    At Abraham's question, the Elemental's mouth twitches in a smirk and taps the glass. "To getting shit done."

  7. #37
    Abraham Norton

    So, Cole might get killed at his own Court's celebration? Fawkes' bluntness certainly takes some getting used to. Also, there goes the thunderdome idea of a dule between him and the Metalflesh, as crowds gasp in awe at the combatants' skill.

    "Simple. It's been a while since the Spring had a sit-down, and I can't claim to be a bodyguard without the consent of the body I'm actually guarding" He was very proud of that play on words. Thankfully, no one cares "We might... correction: we need a meeting like that. Even Desire needs a direction" It's not even about shiny badges of 'I'm a Verdant Advocate!' or 'Call me the Sylvan Emissary'. Actual direction. Goals. Plans.

    Sun's Tongue is... like a diplomat, right? Abraham probably had that explained to him at some point, but focused on other things, the Fairest likely forgot. In any case, he has the good sense to not ask and make himself look like a fool. The Torrent ebfore him certainly has the unreadable look in spades.

    "I doubt it. Both Autumn and Winter seem dedicated to this community. I believe in their wisdom of not assuming our collaboration is some elaborate plot of moustache-twirling villains" Abraham's voice shares some of Fawkes humor. It was unthinkable to him Sasha or Rhodes would be whiny about it. And if they were...

    No. Better not to think about it.

    "Yeah, they sure are taking their sweet time about it, aren't they? I'd like to say that it's for the best, seeing as we probably will be stuck with whatever they come up with, but as someone who wrote some good poems and a lot of shitty ones, I can tell you your first idea is usually the best" Don't overthink. Trust your gut, and act with bravery - they tend to save the day.

    The Fairest and the Elemental toast. There's no telling what cogs turn behind the Iron Spear's eyes, but Abraham is an uncomplicated man. He's just happy there's someone here not content to whine in the mud, and aply a standard to himself and others.

    This looks like a good place to wind down?

  8. #38
    Fawkes's Avatar
    Rigid Mask
    Summer Mantle
    (Cloying metallic scent, pressure)
    Mien Details:

    An expressionless humanoid with a sectioned doll-like exoskeleton of sand-blasted glass. He has glass eyes that move and blink, and his mouth moves enough to speak naturally without a speech impediment, but does not emote. Fawkes does have the same hair as his Mask escaping from cracks in his scalp. It is actually magnetized red sand; any facial hair (eyebrows, beard, eyelashes) have to be artificially applied by hand.
    Active Pledges:

    Mentorship - Seraphina (Exp. Summer Coronation)

    Renewal Required:

    Good Neighbours - John Doe (Exp. 04/07)
    Good Neighbours - Maxwell J. Pierce (Exp. 03/26)


    Great scene!

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