The address was easy enough to find- Nathaniel had managed to find a cheap enough bike, following the scribbled writing to the letter, though trying to find a spot with as little people as possible. Activating the sight threw off his senses sometimes, and bumping into things wasn't ideal.

do NOT step across.

Those words had stuck, a bit. Was it seriously that bad?......
Nathaniel would find out. He took a deep breath, and activated the sight.

And he instantly regretted it. If there was any space to see past the webs, Nathaniel was too overwhelmed to notice it. Webs covered everything, corrupted everything!
The Shadow was so fortunate that sight was the only sense available to him... But even then, the shock of it all overwhelmed him-
cough cough ***BLURGH!***
He regretted having eaten beforehand, spilling his guts. A few more dry heaves, body shaking, almost collapsing.

How... How are we supposed to stop this?! What CAUSED this?! WHAT COULD HEAL THIS?!
Was it even possible?! Could THIS be undone?.....

The full force of what he had in store met the young wolf's face. Nothing in his training even approached dealing with this level of corruption. And the cub wondered if he might ever reach a point to carve even a dent in it.

He turned the sight off, had to, and shook his head. This was what awaited him, staying here. His panicky breaths calmed as the image faded from his mind. He could still leave right?....

.... Right......He'd have to stay, wouldn't he? He wasn't a coward- and if anything, this was what being a shadow meant.

this job really sucks, some days. A dry chuckle at the attempt to humor himself.... It didn't work. The cub rode off, leaving that nightmare behind him. One day, he'd probably have to come back here- probably have to face what terrors lurked within. The thought sent shivers down his spine. Not today, though. Not today. The cub barely slept at all that night....