A small object sat on the coffee table. A thumb sized USB drive with chromed look to it on a thin chain. It looked like something that could pass as an odd piece of jewellery from a distance.

Plugged into a computer, a lone video file titled "Goodbye" sits in a window.


A blurry image of Vauban sitting on a couch appeared on screen. If anyone had to guess it was shot with a cheap webcam. He was holding a glass with some black-brown liquid in it that was quickly placed onto the tablet out of view.

"Hey." A tremble came from his voice. He quickly took a deep breath and tried again.

"I'm sorry guys. I would have told you this in person but..." There was a pause, covering his mouth as he he seemed to think. He shook his head. "Look. I'm just gonna say it since you already know. I'm leaving Sacramento. Again."

"I know we just formed this Cabal, made plans, already started getting into fight with 'da man'. But I'm just... Just not in the right headspace."

Another deep breath. A long sigh. "I woke up in this city nearly a decade ago. I saw some horrible shit happen. Saw people I knew die in front of me. Experienced the slow, decay of reality into the Lies most base, horrible form. My...Own over the top death." The glass appeared in view again and he took a long draught from it. "That was just in the first few months of Waking up. I was found years later half out of my mind in Miami before the Council took me in."

"Which brings me to now. I thought I was ready to finally deal with it but no. The incident with the Hotel and the Duel with Epitaph just proved I had't gotten my shit together. If I lose my mind again, I'm useless to everyone. So I'm heading back to get myself some specialised therapy from my old Assembly."

"Not going to completely abandon you guys. Gonna see if I can get someone to come down here and help out. Dunno who yet. Also need to spread the word about what is going on here. If the seers are trying to kill us off in the past, everyone needs to know. Hopefully they can figure out how to stop them."

"So...Yeah." Vauban raised his hand, as if to wave. "This is goodbye. We might meet again if we are lucky. Better delete this after watching. Don't want anyone else getting their hands on it."
