The Black Swan

It had seemingly appeared over night, in the Sacramento Mariana. Under the cover of darkness, the Black Swan carefully navigated the Sacramento River. Everything was in order, from docking fees to overtime fees for the workers who caught the extra hours for the late night mooring. Still, even with the Mariana expecting the yacht, the actual yacht itself was surprising and a sight to behold.

Ashley held little involvement with the logistics, other than payment. She sat topside, working on her laptop through much of the process. She did enjoy the upgrade in comfort the ship held over the cargo ship. It would be a fine platform to launch establishment once more.

While she may not have involved herself with the logistics of this endeavor, she was no stranger to logistics. This tidbit, ranked low on the hierarchy of needs for her. Much more important endeavors concerned the Carthian Lord. The unknown always held a certain danger, and one of the most important starts was gathering intelligence in a new theater of operation.

Ashley looked the same as she did decade ago; Indeed, she looked the same as a century ago. Still, the Lord knew that while she was unchanging with time, a lot could of change could have occurred in the two years she had been in Russian.

Time would tell...