blind and lost. blind and lost.
choke and cough. choke and cough.
burring heat. burring heat. metal glints. in burning heat.
. flesh.melts
upon a skull

Forward momentum, propelling her up-away-nothere!
faced upon the darkness and terror
Scream caught on ash. Tearing it's way out and out and out!
Shaking, fighting against sweat stained sheets, twisting and crawling and wrapping.
Valiant might and heavy breath.

"Fuck this." a snot clogged, wretched voice snarls. "Fuck you!" she hisses at a women, a monster that wasn't here.

Standing on shaking legs, hands scrubbing on her face, they pull away white and black.

"Death is inevitable. But it is not the end."

Stillness comes, the cold comfort of the grave.

"That redheaded bitch is going to tell me where you lay Epitaph."

A grief tormented smile appears,

"She will." she nods, shaky yet resolute. "She will."