Aaron van Valen - occult scholar and proud Lord of over a century old - was lying in his bed with his phone in one hand. He held someone else's hand in the other.

How has it come this far. How did it get so easy?

The man lying face down next to him was exhausted. Drained in more ways than one. While he was resting, the Lord was once more checking the smartphone application that made it all possible. Apparently this day and age, sex is a couple of pictures and just a few clicks away. Understanding the basic workings of smart phones was the best decision he had made in times.

The other guy was just how he likes them. Strong, manly, muscular. Aaron drew the arm closer to his mouth and took just one more bite. One sip at a time to get that ecstatic feeling over and over again. Much like people that prefer a more expensive steak - knowing that the animal in question had been able to train his muscles by actually walking around outside - Aaron really loves his blood from healthy well-built humans. The blood was so fresh.

Now, after all their exercise, the growth of new blood vessels had immediately been stimulated. The intensified circulation of oxygen from this particular man brought a sensation to the Dragon's mouth far better than the best full-bodied Spanish Rioja. He looked down at the actual body beside him.

Vitamin D for days.

And yet, feeding was not entirely fulfilling this way. Was Aaron truly a predator if he simply invited people to his place and trapped them? What did that make him? A spider at best. But who likes spiders anyway?


He liked the blood, but not this hunt. His Lordly Blood demanded him to win. This was not even a challenge. Next time - probably tomorrow... or later tonight - he would really hunt.

Hunt for that sweet sweet blood. Just a little bit more.