Arnold sits at the large table in his Haven in the secure top floor of the Sundown. The table, normally strewn with papers and the Reeve's laptop computer, tonight has spread across it a blue cloth to protect the surface. Sitting on the blue cloth is a block of wood, solid except for a padlock installed. Scattered across the table are a number of skinny metal tools. Also on the table, at Arnold's elbow, is a small stopwatch ticking the seconds away.

Arnold holds two of these slender tools in his hands as he leans over the lock. He has the metal rods inserted into the keyhole and he's methodically twisting and working them inside the lock. The look on his face conveys intense concentration as he quickly but carefully manipulates the workings of the padlock in front of him.

He refrains from activating his Heightened Senses, to better feel and hear the inner workings inside the keyhole, knowing that he must perfect this without aid to truly become better.

Then Arnold feels something give, as the tumblers fall into place and Arnold uses his tools to turn the lock which opens with a click. He reaches over to pick up the stopwatch, hitting the stop button and checking the time.

He allows himself to grin at what he sees. Each of the last several times he had attempted the lock he had improved his time. He still wasn't very fast, but he was getting better. As easy as it would be to kick a door open, it wasn't very subtle and Arnold would require subtlety in the nights to come.

He turns the block of wood over, flipping the padlock closed again, and starts the timer on the stopwatch again.