The Mountain moved.

With the dust of Fairweather still settling* Green turned once more to the message the Unbidden Lord's had given him.

It was an opportunity. A threat. A challenge.

He had arrived in Sacramento a surly Elemental, wrath seething in his heart and his connection to the Lore of Winter still relatively new and weak. He had grown. He had been an Archer of the Lonely Watch; an Iceclad Armiger; Sun Banisher; Spymaster. He had helped build a cottage network in the Hedge.

He had hunted a deranged lunatic in his Hollow fastness. He had driven off a fanatic who believed in the lessons of Fear and the literalism of the holidays seasons. He had marched into hob towns and fought off raiders. He become a rock upon which a freehold had depended.

He had cut deals with the Gentry and... survived.

Now the Onyx Court needed the Mountain. Called by Power's mightier than he, Green had no choice but to obey.

He still had a lot to learn.

He still had a lot to become.

The short note he left in the empty Winter Court Hollow said it all.

Green will be leaving the venue. I've played him for almost five years. Time for a change.