Ghostwritten for Iblardora's Ahriman

Ahriman walked down the sidewalk, his thoughts distant as his footfalls brought him closer and closer to his place of work.

'With the push and pull of the world around us, each bit of force is applied only to a small area and yet the ripples, the consecutive reactions of that one push, can effect the world. So when magic is applied to the Lie things can change, but even reality has the equal and opposite reaction.'

His lowered his head and thought as he walked, steps falling on the ground.

'Paradox: the world, reality, pushing back. This power we were given, reality denies it. We can trick it, at times, but with the laws of the universe set in place, we aren’t supposed to have this power.

I could reach out and change the world with the swipe of my hand. But reality wouldn’t allow it; or would it?

The Mastigos moved his hand slightly, beginning to gather his will.

'No, that wouldn’t be right. Ethics have a place to play as well. The backlash might not have come down, but there would be a reaction'

His hand stopped as he walked.

'The push would be there, even the simple touching of minds, the death of an ant. It all ripples through the world. What happens today, is the effect of what happened yesterday and the day before that.

But what if Magic didn’t exist, even that has to tie into something, be it the paradox or the effect of reality itself knowing it needs to change.

He looked at his hands as he walked, narrowly avoiding the other walkers on the street.

'But I was awakened, my eyes were opened; their eyes can be opened too. Reality is not loosing it’s grip because of those like me, it’s pushing everyone to be like this, to be able to use this power. The power I have is mine, but my awakening is a push on the universe as well, so what did it affect?'