Ishani sat in the Lily for another night, watching the kine moving in and out of their sad existences. She was bored. These kine were not very interesting to her as most of them had more money then they needed and very little idea of how to use it wisely. She had so many "regulars" it almost made her head hurt. One would think that mortals knowing how short their lives were would make them more aware of how they wasted their lives. Alas, this was not the case.

She walked around, smiled, nodded, shook hands, made polite conversation and was overall the gracious, gorgeous host everyone had come to know and love. Inside, she was screaming obsenities at these idiots and wanting to run from the place.

Then, she spotted a woman sitting by herself and looking very forlorn.

Well now, that's new.

She walked over and sat down next to the woman, giving her a brillient smile.

"Good evening, welcome to the Gilded Lily. Is there anything inparticular you are in need of this evening?" She asked in her most pleasent professional tone.

The woman barely looked up as she shook her head. "No thank you, I just want to be left alone."

Ishani frowned. "But my dear, it is a wonderful night. Surly you came here looking for some form of entertainment, or beverage, or food?" She hated to admit it but the woman's attitude was disturbing to her. What could possibly have happened to her?

The woman gave her an annoyed look. Ishani could tell she was trying very hard not to lose her patience. "No thank you, really. I'm fine."

It was then that Ishani remembered Asa telling her about the next step to the alluring ability of Majesty. Maybe she could get this woman's secrets out of her after all?

She leaned forward and began to concentrate, pushing the emotions of calm and trust out toward the woman. "I am sorry to pry Miss, but you seem so upset. What is it that has ruined your evening?"

The woman leaned back and crossed her arms, looking angry. "Look, I don't mean to be rude, but when someone says leave them alone, generally, someone does it."

Ishani gave the woman a patient smile. "I'm sure most do, but in my experience people who don't really give a shit do that. The ones that actually care don't give up."

The woman's eyes narrowed. "You don't even know me, how could you possibly care?"

Ishani shrugged and concentrated harder on exuding trust.

You want to trust me. You want to tell me.

"Because I spend just about every night working this place and I have never seen a woman sit by herself and look as miserable as you do. Listen, maybe I can help? I have some influence in this city you know. How else does one get to own a place like this?" The smile she gave the woman was genuine.

Then, she felt something snap and release and she felt a wash of power leave her and flow in the direction of the woman. Her eyes grew a little wide, but other then that she had no real reaction. Except for bursting into tears.

"I was supposed to be out dancing right now, with my boyfriend. We made this date a week ago but........four days ago I was mugged and...............the guy raped me." She paused, wiping her eyes. "My boyfriend told me he couldn't handle it, like it had been done to him or something." Her voice became bitter then. "He said he couldn't be with a woman who was going to have issues having sex because of something like.....that."

Ishani offered her a napkin which the woman used to dry her cheeks. She shook her head in dismay. "So, I came here anyway, because I didn't have any other place to go, you know?"

Ishani nodded and stood, holding her hand out to the woman. "Yes, I do understand. I think I have some numbers in my office that might be useful to you, but first, would you care to dance? I may not be a man, but I can at least make up for his crappy attitude."

The woman smiled and laughed a bit and took Ishani's hand as she led her to the dance floor.