"Astraeus, Titan-God of Dusk,"

Katya told her to try to find his power again. So, Alice would try.

...it was risky.

Walking back through the familiar, and alien streets towards her haven wasn't as difficult as it would have been when her eyes first fell to ash.

"Mate to Eos, Goddess of Dawn."

The difficult part had been convincing Robert that she'd be completely fine on her own. Pressing the point that she just needed a walk, and that she wound't be far from home. She might have neglected to specify which home, which maybe have lead the Burned Man to believe she'd keep close to the Deep Kingdom's aboveground entrance.

"Father to the Four Anemoi,"

Folding cane knocked against the entryway as she unlocked her door. Then it tapped against the floor. The sounds painting a mental picture the doll needed to quickly traverse the living room and into the bedroom she didn't use. Cane met cheep futon within, then the side tables. Until the Blind Doll found the window. And opened it.

"the Four Winds."

She pulled herself out of the window and onto the fire-escape. Then, she pushed herself away from the fire-escape, to cling to the brick siding. The Winds whipped her ghostly locks around as she began her ascent.

"Father to the Astra Planeta,"

Blunted nails dug into brick siding as her search for hand holds continued. Terror woke the Wraith, along with her own blood-scent clinging to the air, but still her sightless search continued.

"The Wandering Stars."

Higher and higher she pulled herself up. Frequently loosing her grip, both with hand and foot. Terrified that she would fall. This path once familiar to the Doll, now a treacherous journey into the unknown. Alice didn't know if it was her imagination playing tricks, or if it truly was Robert's gruff voice calling out to her. Begging her to stop, and come back down.

"Father to Astraea,"

She ignored it, as another handhold is found. Then another, and another. Until her grasping hands found nothing but air. Feeling for the ledge, Alice heaved herself up, and up and up. Until up was now over and her dead-doll-flesh met the sharp pointed gravel lined roof.

"The goddess of Innocence and Purity."

Sightless eyes stare at the sky above her. Pushing herself up, as the gravel catches on fresh cuts and scrapes. A flicker of her will and a little blood, making them disappear even as the Winds take her locks, tugging them this way and that.

"Astraeus, Titan-God of Dusk," Alice begins tilting her face to the sky...