Good times. As a Gangrel, being on the road again had a certain appeal to it. With his tricked out van and gear, it felt like he had plundered Sacramento and made off with the goods. And yet he knew he was leaving a lot more behind. His contacts in Sacramento would notice the absence of Konrad Roth Jr, the smooth-talking businessman always ready with a deal or an angle. The black market flourished under his reign, though he would always wonder who was really pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Had it already been two years? He'd planned to stay for at least a full decade before hitting the road again. But things had gotten too hot for him. After being Torpored while tracking down a wannabe vampire cult, he'd stuck with it, finding a friend in Edwin and Rina. And infiltrating the Movement he'd gotten comfortable playing with political power between Marco and Gerald. He'd seen the Invictus power wane even as the Carthians received an influx. But change was constant and soon enough the scales reversed.

With his Family's blunders and betrayal, Konrad isn't about to end his story there. His Sire had always told him to put survival over everything else. There would be other black markets, other gullible Kindred to cut a deal with. He'd gotten many valuable lessons out of his stay, and even discovered a spiritual connection he didn't think existed within him. Maybe his Requiem would last long enough to find some real answers there.

But there are many dangers still to contend with. Brady's crew is out there and they might still hold a grudge against his aid to Clarke's Domain. The wandering Kindred biker gang is still at large in the South, as far as he knew. And there's that strange cult squatting to the Northeast, so he plans his exit to the West, heading to San Fran. Not to mention the Hunters that have caught his scent. Once he gets to I-80 he could put some distance between him and the River City. Catch a daysleep if he has to in the untested sealed cargo of his van, or just crawl under ground for a dirtnap.

Just a few hours to go...

Leaving this open in case someone who's seen Konrad's van before to catch him on the road. Otherwise, makes for a nice exit Glimpse