"What have you found?" the tall man in the crisp white suit demanded.

Silence greeted the order. That is, until one man cleared his throat uncomfortably and responded.

"We've found their Sanctum, Tetrarch."

"That's it?" the Tetrarch demanded, turning away from the grand view of the Sacramento skyline to glare at his underlings.

"Well, no, of course not, Tetrarch," the now sweating man replied. "We've discovered much about their identity as well."

The Tetrarch simply grunted and turned back to face the window. In truth, he'd already been informed of their findings. The purpose of this meeting wasn't a debrief. It was a public chastisement. A threat he was hanging over their heads. It was quite a simple one: remove this nuisance or find yourself removed in turn.

"Tell me."

"It was an abandoned series of rail tunnels beneath the city. Provisioned with caches of camping gear in unused hatches and abandonded railcars."

Several snorts of derision echoed from those gathered.

"That was...before we found the rest."

At the tone in the man's voice, the Tetrarch turned his head back to look at his subordinate. The other man's skin was pallid and glistening. Undignified, yet he seemed completely unaware of such a fact. Yet, prompted by his superior's gaze, he continued.

"There were several...collections, as well. Dog pelts. Teeth. Cat skulls. Most had been incorporated into some sort of...barbaric art."

"Your halting speech is unbecoming," the Tetrarch replied with a sniff, turning once more to look out over the city. Truly, it was not an important one. Barely worthy of his notice, were it not for the small thorn that had been lodged in his Ministry's side here.

"My apologies Tetrarch. I am merely amazed at how debased the wayward can be."

There was no response, and so after one more pause the man resumed.

"We found Skillingstad's daughter in one of the southern tunnels. Her body, that is. Along with the other missing children. They were arranged as though at a slumber party. Similar tableau's were found in the other cars. It's safe to say that it truly is the work of the Mad."

"Yes. And yet it is one that only targets the attachments of my Ministry,"
the Tetrarch replied. "You told me you had their name?"

"Yes. It was scrawled along one of the walls. Ashworth. A flower was beneath it. A daisy. A search of the national databases eventually revealed the correlation. Daisy Ashworth. Escaped mental inmate...Seems there are some things that not even Awakening can cure."

"No. But I can."