Six months. The longest she'd ever spent in one place since she died. It was weird. Like really, really weird.

When she'd first arrived she'd never thought she'd end up where she'd found herself now. Weird. But in a good way. Alice mused as she ran a pale finger around the lip of her martini glass. She was out on the town, as it were. The Caldarium was complete. Though as she'd run around like a chiken with her head cut off, trying to organize the work effort before the first so formal court could be held in the pinnacle of dark beauty, Garrick said he'd pitch in, and quietly completed the whole of the construction.

She'd need to get him something nice. As a thank you. But what should that be? Alice wondered. What would be a good thank you gift for her cousin...?

Maybe she should ask Robert and Jack what they'd thought would be a good gift.

But between texting Gilroy about the state of the Caldarium, and Joseph's lack of effort funds to help out, she found herself in a bar. It wasn't the same dive bar she'd hunted from during the earlier nights within the Domain, but it wasn't in the Rack. She'd found herself hungry walking around there once, and that was a time to many for Alice.

No, Alice found herself in a hotel bar. It was weird to find herself here, but six months ago she never thought she'd want to remove vermin and animals from her diet either.

Humming along with the soft music, her unreal eyes kept sight of the man she'd decised she was going to nom on. Treat herself. His charcoal grey suite hopefully spoke for his blood..she hoped he would taste better then the biker, and hopefully the cotton candy smoker...she sent him a drink and when he looked her way, she gave a hopefully flirtatious wink.

It wasn't long before the man in the grey suit casually walked up to her. The drink she'd bought him in his hand. She agreed to come up to his room. Anticipation coiled within her, as she feel’s the Wraith’s cooling touch. She'd get her treat and he'd wake up in bed dizzy, and still tired, thinking he'd cheated on his wife.